David Posin helps you land that next programming position by understanding important JavaScript fundamentals. JavaScript is a fun, powerful, and important language with a low barrier of entry. People from all kinds of backgrounds and careers find the…
看了几篇文章,放上来供参考 司徒正美的文章,Event Delegation Made Easy ------------------------------------------------------------------自己的理解加深印象----------------------------------------------------------------------------- What to use when For really small event handling…
原文:https://medium.com/@florenceliang/javascript-event-delegation-and-event-target-vs-event-currenttarget-c9680c3a46d1 In this case, at the time you call console.log(e), there's a DOM element in the currentTarget property. But sometime later, that pro…
原文 Node.js Interview Questions for 2017 什么是error-first callback? 如何避免无止境的callback? 什么是Promises? 用什么工具来保证代码的一致性风格? 为什么保持一致性风格很重要? When should you npm and when yarn? 什么是stub? 举个例子! 什么是test pyramid? 举个例子! 你喜欢哪个HTTP框架,为什么? 如何保护你的HTTP cookies 不遭受XSS攻击? 如何…
Interpeter , Iterator , Mediator , Memento and Observer design patterns. (I) what is Interpreter pattern? (B) Can you explain iterator pattern? (A) Can you explain mediator pattern? (I) Can you explain memento pattern? (B) Can you explain observer pa…
Explain "chaining". Chaining allows us to run multiple jQuery methods (on the same element) within a single statement.like this: $(selector).doA().doB().doC() Explain "deferreds". The Deferred object, introduced in jQuery 1.5, is a cha…