●sqlplus登陆sqlplus sys/isc@testgmmc as sysdba●创建用户create user testpoi3 IDENTIFIED by iscaccount unlock;grant dba,advisor to testpoi2;●删除用户drop user djcfw cascade;●数据导出exp testwms2/isc@test-193 OWNER=testwms2 FILE=D:\temp\testwms2.dmpexp testapar/isc@h…
偶尔会用到,记录.分享. 1. Oracle用户创建 #创建用户表空间create tablespace $username datafile '/u01/app/oracle/oradata/ufgovdb1/${username}.dbf' size 5120m autoextend on next 1024m maxsize unlimited extent management local; #创建用户临时表空间create temporary tablespace ${username…
--root用户执行vi /etc/sysctl.conf #Install oracle settingfs.aio-max-nr = 1048576fs.file-max = 6815744#kernel.shmall = 2097152#kernel.shmmax = 4294967295kernel.shmmni = 4096kernel.sem = 250 32000 100 128net.ipv4.ip_local_port_range = 9000 65500net.core.rm…
一.查看用户及权限 1.查询所有用户: 1.1.查看所有用户基本信息 select * from all_users; 1.2.查看所有用户相信信息 select * from dba_users; 2.查看用户权限 2.1 查看所有用户 SELECT * FROM DBA_USERS; SELECT * FROM ALL_USERS; SELECT * FROM USER_USERS; 2.2 查看用户或角色所拥有的角色 SELECT * FROM DBA_ROLE_PRIVS; SELECT…
dmp文件的导入:1.首先,先创建表空间与用户--创建表空间create tablespace CCFOCUS01datafile 'D:\app\Administrator\oradata\orcl\CCFOCUS01.dbf'size 100Mautoextend on next 32Mmaxsize unlimited; --创建用户create user userfocus identified by pasfocusdefault tablespace CCFOCUS01;grant…
建立表空间: create tablespace portx_data datafile 'D:\oracle_data\portx.dbf' size 50m autoextend on next 50m maxsize 20480m extent management local; 创建用户 create user portx identified by mysteel default tablespace portx_data; 授予权限 grant connect,resource,db…
权限: create session create table unlimited tablespace connect resource dba 例: #sqlplus /nolog SQL> conn / as sysdba; SQL>create user username identified by password SQL> grant dba to username; SQL> conn username/password SQL> select * from u…
出处:https://www.cnblogs.com/buxingzhelyd/p/7865194.html 权限: create session  允许用户登录数据库权限 create table   允许用户创建表权限 unlimited tablespace  允许用户在其他表空间随意建表 角色: connect resource dba CONNECT角色: --是授予最终用户的典型权利,最基本的权力,能够连接到ORACLE数据库中,并在对其他用户的表有访问权限时,做SELECT.UPD…
权限: create session create table unlimited tablespace connect resource dba 例: #sqlplus /nolog SQL> conn / as sysdba; SQL>create user username identified by password SQL> grant dba to username; SQL> conn username/password SQL> select * from u…
权限: create session create table unlimited tablespace connect resource dba 例: #sqlplus /nolog SQL> conn / as sysdba; SQL>create user username identified by password SQL> grant dba to username; SQL> conn username/password SQL> select * from u…