目录 基本的概念 重要的结果 应用 Propensity Score Matching Stratification on the Propensity Score Inverse Probability of Treatment Weighting Using the Propensity Score 评估 Rosenbaum P. and Rubin D. The Central Role of the Propensity Score in Observational Studies Fo…
From Thinking in Java 4th Edition. 泛型实现了:参数化类型的概念,使代码可以应用于多种类型.“泛型”这个术语的意思是:“适用于许多许多的类型”. 如果你了解其他语言(例如: C++)中的参数化类型机制,你就会发现,有些以前能做到的事情,使用Java的泛型机制却无法做到. Java中的泛型需要与C++进行一番比较.了解C++模板的某些方面,有助于你理解泛型的基础.同事,非常重要的一点是:你可以了解Java泛型的局限性是什么,以及为什么会有这些限制.最终是要让你理解…
15.1 User-defined typesWe have used many of Python’s built-in types; now we are going to define a new type. As an example, we will create a type called Point that represents a point in two-dimensional space.In mathematical notation, points are often…
<C++ Primer>中第15章为了讲解面向对象编程,举了一个例子:设计一个小程序,能够处理查询给定word在文件中所在行的任务,并且能够处理“非”查询,“或”查询,“与”查询.例如执行查询 one & of |the ,表示对单词one和of的查询结果取交集,然后对单词the的查询结果取并集. 书中查询的底层操作实际定义在类TextQuery中,我们在TextQuery的基础上,进一步封装并实现如下图所示的类结构,能够达到上述功能需求.类之间的结构如下图所示: 程序扼要设计如下表所…
索引 理解相关表. foreign key JOIN 与保持参照完整性 关于JOIN 的一些建议,子查询 VS. 联表查询 我发现MySQL 的官方文档里是有教程的. SQL Tutorial - W3Schools The SQL Tutorial for Data Analysis | SQL Tutorial - Mode Analytics Understanding Relational Tables The key here is that having multiple occur…
https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ff647787.aspx Retired Content This content is outdated and is no longer being maintained. It is provided as a courtesy for individuals who are still using these technologies. This page may contain URLs that we…
INDEX Updating Data The IGNORE Keyword Deleting Data Faster Deletes Guidelines for Updating and Deleting Data Updating Data UPDATE customers SET cust_name = 'The Fudds', cust_email = 'elmer@fudd.com' ; To delete a column's value, you can set it to NU…
索引 理解 GROUP BY 过滤数据 vs. 过滤分组 GROUP BY 与 ORDER BY 之不成文的规定 子查询 vs. 联表查询 相关子查询和不相关子查询. 增量构造复杂查询 Always More Than One Solution As explained earlier in this chapter, although the sample code shown here works, it is often not the most efficient way to perf…
How to Get Your Change Into the Linux Kernel or Care And Operation Of Your Linus Torvalds For a person or company who wishes to submit a change to the Linux kernel, the process can sometimes be daunting if you're not familiar with "the system."…
https://www.cnblogs.com/r01cn/p/5177708.html13 Identity入门 Identity is a new API from Microsoft to manage users in ASP.NET applications. The mainstay for user management in recent years has been ASP.NET Membership, which has suffered from design choic…
ASP.NET MVC with Entity Framework and CSS是2016年出版的一本比较新的.关于ASP.NET MVC.EF以及CSS技术的图书,我将尝试着翻译本书以供日后查阅.但是,由于本人英语水平有限,难免有翻译不准确或错误的地方,请大家踊跃提出宝贵的意见,以进行修正.本书一共18章,下面列出各章的英文目录: Chapter 1: Building a Basic MVC Web Site Chapter 2: Creating Views, Controllers,…
Introduction Modern operating systems distinguish between the following two types of clocks: A real-time clock (RTC), commonly referred to as a hardware clock, (typically an integrated circuit on the system board) that is completely independent of th…
转载. Book Description Publication Date: August 12, 2013 Core Animation is the technology underlying Apple’s iOS user interface. By unleashing the full power of Core Animation, you can enhance your app with impressive 2D and 3D visual effects and creat…