系统支持: Windows平台: Windows 7/ Windows 8 需要安装显卡驱动 Windows XP 需要安装显卡驱动 需要更新最新版本的DirectX Direct X 环境安装包: DirectX Redist Package 地址: 或者使用DirectX Runtime在线安装工具: Linux平台: Ubuntu12.04/Ubuntu14.04/Deepin 14.04 安装以下软件包…
How to serialize and deserialize JSON using C# - .NET | Microsoft Docs This article shows how to use the System.Text.Json namespace to serialize…
最近在做android与C#录音并互相通信的小东西.但是卡在C#录音这儿了.找了好久,说的都是DirectX,可是我总是安装不上,这才找到了这个简单的录音方法.当然,如果你想要录得好并且处理音频,那还是用用DirectX吧!原文: using System.Runtime.InteropServices; [DllImport("winmm.dll",…
With the DirectX SDK (June 2010) release and the addition of support for Visual Studio 2010, I’ve been seeing a lot of questions of the form: How do I create a DirectX .NET application in Visual Studio 2010? I can’t find Microsoft.DirectX to add to m…
Objective-C Runtime Describes the macOS Objective-C runtime library support functions and data structures. Overview(概述) 以下是官方文档中对Runtime给出的定义 The Objective-C runtime is a runtime library that provides support for the dynamic properties of the Obj…