Television broadcasts of events can be enhanced by providing graphics that are blended with other images or video to convey information to viewers. Such information can be related to the event, people involved in the event, or any other subject that…
转自: Video for Linux Two API Specification Revision 2.6.32 Michael H Schimek <> Bill Dirks Original author of the V4L2 API and documentation. Hans V…
这几天在做dxva2硬件加速,找不到什么资料,翻译了一下微软的两篇相关文档.并准备记录一下用ffmpeg实现dxva2,将在第三篇写到.这是第二篇.,英文原址: 第一篇翻译的Direct3D device manager,链接: 本主题描述如何在DirectShow的解码器中支持…
本文脉络: 1.SAM9260处理器介绍,单板机配置. 2.SAM-BA的运行机制与applets的修改. 3.修改bootstrap. 4.内核源码获取与打补丁. 5.基于ubuntu的开发环境搭建. 6.内核配置与编译. 7.根文件系统镜像制作,busybox编译与安装. 8.上电,运行内核. 9.第一个app. 10.第一个驱动模块. enjoy it! 内容将在近期更新! 1.SAM9260处理器介绍,单板机配置. 处理器介绍嘛,嗯,贴一下atmel官方参数吧: Flash (Kbyte…
Graphics processing units (GPUs) are specialized hardware units used to render 2-dimensional (2-D) and/or 3-dimensional (3-D) images for various applications such as video games, graphics, computer-aided design (CAD), simulation and visualization too…
BACKGROUND The present invention relates to video processing systems. Advances in imaging technology have led to high resolution cameras for personal use as well as professional use. Personal uses include digital cameras and camcorders that can captu…
原文: 管理提醒: 本帖被 xoom 执行加亮操作(2012-12-13) 如之前所说,一直想知道显示数据都在哪个地方,通常的数据,比如 framebuffer 中的显示数据,和OpenGL 处理的数据有啥关系.目前为止我还没有弄明白 OpenGL 这块,但是 framebuffer 这部分差不多了.这篇文章记录了 framebuffer 的显示数据相关内容. 1. 关于FIMD Tiny210v2 开…
1.1 VGA(图像显示卡),Graphics Card(图形加速卡),Video Card(视频加速卡),3D Accelerator Card 和 GPU(图形处理器) 对这些概念之前也没怎么了解,这次正好自己梳理一下.从一篇古老的文章中,找到所谓的显卡从 VGA 到 GPU 发展史: 第一代显卡:支持 256 色显示的 VGA Card,1988年.VGA Card的唯一功能就是输出图像,真正的图形运算全部依赖CPU,所以当微软 Windows 操作系统出现后,PC 的 CPU 就开始不堪…
Introduction Introduction Asphyre Sphinx is a cross-platform framework for developing 2D/3D video games and interactive business applications. It aids the developer with resource management, displaying real-time graphics and text, handle keyboard, mo…
转: 1. 前言 上篇文章(Linux graphic subsytem(1)_概述)介绍了linux图形子系统基本的软件框架,以及GUI.Windowing system.3D渲染等基本概念.文中提到了linux DRI(Direct Render Infrastructure)框架,但限于篇幅,没有过多介绍. 蜗蜗觉得,DRI在当前(或者说将来)的linux图形子系统中,有着举足…