leetcode 664. Strange Printer】的更多相关文章

There is a strange printer with the following two special requirements: The printer can only print a sequence of the same character each time. At each turn, the printer can print new characters starting from and ending at any places, and will cover t…
题目: There is a strange printer with the following two special requirements: The printer can only print a sequence of the same character each time. At each turn, the printer can print new characters starting from and ending at any places, and will cov…
class Solution { public: int dp[100][100]; int dfs(const string &s, int i,int j) { if(i>j)return 0; if(dp[i][j])return dp[i][j]; dp[i][j]=dfs(s,i,j-1)+1; for(int k=i;k<j;++k) { if(s[k]==s[j])dp[i][j]=min(dp[i][j],dfs(s,i,k)+dfs(s,k+1,j-1)); } re…
There is a strange printer with the following two special requirements: The printer can only print a sequence of the same character each time. At each turn, the printer can print new characters starting from and ending at any places, and will cover t…
There is a strange printer with the following two special requirements: The printer can only print a sequence of the same character each time. At each turn, the printer can print new characters starting from and ending at any places, and will cover t…
There is a strange printer with the following two special requirements: The printer can only print a sequence of the same character each time. At each turn, the printer can print new characters starting from and ending at any places, and will cover t…
664. 奇怪的打印机 有台奇怪的打印机有以下两个特殊要求: 打印机每次只能打印同一个字符序列. 每次可以在任意起始和结束位置打印新字符,并且会覆盖掉原来已有的字符. 给定一个只包含小写英文字母的字符串,你的任务是计算这个打印机打印它需要的最少次数. 示例 1: 输入: "aaabbb" 输出: 2 解释: 首先打印 "aaa" 然后打印 "bbb". 示例 2: 输入: "aba" 输出: 2 解释: 首先打印 "…
奇怪的打印机 有台奇怪的打印机有以下两个特殊要求: 打印机每次只能打印同一个字符序列. 每次可以在任意起始和结束位置打印新字符,并且会覆盖掉原来已有的字符. 给定一个只包含小写英文字母的字符串,你的任务是计算这个打印机打印它需要的最少次数. 示例 1: 输入: "aaabbb" 输出: 2 解释: 首先打印 "aaa" 然后打印 "bbb". 示例 2: 输入: "aba" 输出: 2 解释: 首先打印 "aaa&q…
突然很想刷刷题,LeetCode是一个不错的选择,忽略了输入输出,更好的突出了算法,省去了不少时间. dalao们发现了任何错误,或是代码无法通过,或是有更好的解法,或是有任何疑问和建议的话,可以在对应的随笔下面评论区留言,我会及时处理,在此谢过了. 过程或许会很漫长,也很痛苦,慢慢来吧. 编号 题名 过题率 难度 1 Two Sum 0.376 Easy 2 Add Two Numbers 0.285 Medium 3 Longest Substring Without Repeating C…
645. Set Mismatch The set S originally contains numbers from 1 to n. But unfortunately, due to the data error, one of the numbers in the set got duplicated to another number in the set, which results in repetition of one number and loss of another nu…