在Ubuntu环境下配置NIMH MEG Core Facility之CTF Tools 网站有提示: The install script won't work, but you can copy the files manually. First, you'll need additional libraries: libXm.so.3 and libstdc++.so.5. The libstdc++ library is available via apt-get. # apt-get…
win10系统下,phpstudy开发环境下小问题描述: 找不到public公共模块. Not Found The requested URL /public/admin/login.html was not found on this server. 原因分析: 找不到模块的原因是 win10系统下,php访问方式为 php-cgi模式,path_info模式没有生效. 解决方法,在public 文件下面修改 .htaccess配置即可. <IfModule mod_rewrite.c> R…