题目链接:http://www.patest.cn/contests/pat-a-practise/1039 题目: 1039. Course List for Student (25) 时间限制 200 ms 内存限制 65536 kB 代码长度限制 16000 B 判题程序 Standard 作者 CHEN, Yue Zhejiang University has 40000 students and provides 2500 courses. Now given the student…
POJ 2342 Anniversary party / HDU 1520 Anniversary party / URAL 1039 Anniversary party(树型动态规划) Description There is going to be a party to celebrate the 80-th Anniversary of the Ural State University. The University has a hierarchical structure of emp…
并不是很精简,随便改改A过了就没有再简化了. 1020. Problem Description Given a string containing only 'A' - 'Z', we could encode it using the following method: 1. Each sub-string containing k same characters should be encoded to "kX" where "X" is the only c…