***************************** 一 ************************** AssetBundle incompatibility 1 I just started receiving the following error: The asset bundle 'http://***.unity3d' couldn't be lo…
每个需要进行资源管理的类都继承自IAssetManager,该类维护它所使用到的所有资源的一个资源列表.并且每个资源管理类可以重写其资源引用接口和解引用接口. 每个管理器有自己的管理策略,比如SceneManager对场景背景图可以保留最近使用的几张,使用LRU算法维护当前内存中的贴图张数等... using UnityEngine; using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; // 和资源有关的管理器都将继承自此类 p…
原地址: Unity AssetBundle Dependencies In the last few weeks I’ve spent quite a lot of time with Unity’s Asset Bundle system. Understanding how dependencies were tracked. What determines GC cleanup of…
[AssetBundle Manager] AssetBundleManager是一个款Unity公司制作的Unity库. 1.Simulation Mode The main advantage of using Simulation Mode is that Assets can be modified, updated, added, and deleted without the need to re-build and deploy the AssetBundles every tim…
[加载 AssetBundle 的四种方法] 1.AssetBundle.LoadFromMemoryAsync(byte[] binary, uint crc = 0); 返回AssetBundleCreateRequest.Use assetBundle property to get an AssetBundle once it is loaded. Compared to LoadFromMemory, this version will perform AssetBundle deco…
[Managing asset dependencies] 一个Asset会依赖其它Asset.可以把一个Asset所依赖的Asset也打包进自己的AssetBundle.可是多个Asset可能依赖同一个/多个Asset.If a separate copy of a shared dependency is included in each bundle that has objects using it, then redundant instances of the assets will…