304. 二维区域和检索 - 矩阵不可变 给定一个二维矩阵,计算其子矩形范围内元素的总和,该子矩阵的左上角为 (row1, col1) ,右下角为 (row2, col2). Range Sum Query 2D 上图子矩阵左上角 (row1, col1) = (2, 1) ,右下角(row2, col2) = (4, 3),该子矩形内元素的总和为 8. 示例: 给定 matrix = [ [3, 0, 1, 4, 2], [5, 6, 3, 2, 1], [1, 2, 0, 1, 5], [4…
二维区域和检索 - 矩阵不可变 给定一个二维矩阵,计算其子矩形范围内元素的总和,该子矩阵的左上角为 (row1, col1) ,右下角为 (row2, col2). 上图子矩阵左上角 (row1, col1) = (2, 1) ,右下角(row2, col2) = (4, 3),该子矩形内元素的总和为 8. 示例: 给定 matrix = [ [3, 0, 1, 4, 2], [5, 6, 3, 2, 1], [1, 2, 0, 1, 5], [4, 1, 0, 1, 7], [1, 0, 3,…
题目: Given a 2D matrix matrix, find the sum of the elements inside the rectangle defined by its upper left corner (row1, col1) and lower right corner (row2, col2). The above rectangle (with the red border) is defined by (row1, col1) = (2, 1) and (row2…
Given a 2D matrix matrix, find the sum of the elements inside the rectangle defined by its upper left corner (row1, col1) and lower right corner (row2, col2). The above rectangle (with the red border) is defined by (row1, col1) = (2, 1)and (row2, col…
题目 1.区域和检索: 简单题,前缀和方法 乍一看就觉得应该用前缀和来做,一个数组多次查询. 实现方法: 新建一个private数组prefix_sum[i],用来存储nums前i个数组的和, 需要找区间和的时候直接通过prefix_sum[j]-prefix[i-1]即可得到从[i,j]区间的和,当i是0的时候需要特殊处理以防数组越界. class NumArray { public: NumArray(vector<int> nums) { prefix_sum.reserve(nums.…
给定一个二维矩阵,计算其子矩形范围内元素的总和,该子矩阵的左上角为 (row1, col1) ,右下角为 (row2, col2). 上图子矩阵左上角 (row1, col1) = (2, 1) ,右下角(row2, col2) = (4, 3),该子矩形内元素的总和为 8. 示例: 给定 matrix = [ [3, 0, 1, 4, 2], [5, 6, 3, 2, 1], [1, 2, 0, 1, 5], [4, 1, 0, 1, 7], [1, 0, 3, 0, 5] ] sumRegi…
Given a 2D matrix matrix, find the sum of the elements inside the rectangle defined by its upper left corner (row1, col1) and lower right corner (row2, col2). The above rectangle (with the red border) is defined by (row1, col1) = (2, 1) and (row2, co…
Given a 2D matrix matrix, find the sum of the elements inside the rectangle defined by its upper left corner (row1, col1) and lower right corner (row2, col2). The above rectangle (with the red border) is defined by (row1, col1) = (2, 1) and (row2, co…
Given a 2D matrix matrix, find the sum of the elements inside the rectangle defined by its upper left corner (row1, col1) and lower right corner (row2, col2). The above rectangle (with the red border) is defined by (row1, col1) = (2, 1) and (row2, co…
给定一个二维矩阵,计算其子矩形范围内元素的总和,该子矩阵的左上角为 (row1, col1) ,右下角为 (row2, col2). 上图子矩阵左上角 (row1, col1) = (2, 1) ,右下角(row2, col2) = (4, 3),该子矩形内元素的总和为8.示例:给定 matrix = [  [3, 0, 1, 4, 2],  [5, 6, 3, 2, 1],  [1, 2, 0, 1, 5],  [4, 1, 0, 1, 7],  [1, 0, 3, 0, 5]]sumRegi…