"error": { "root_cause": [ { "type": "query_phase_execution_exception", "reason": "Result window is too large, from + size must be less than or equal to: [1000000] but was [1000000099]. See the scroll…
<?php class czy { public $host="localhost"; //地址 public $uid="root"; //用户名 public $pwd="*******";//用户密码 public $dbname="*******";//用户数据库名 /** *给一个sql语句,返回执行的结果 *@param string @sql用户指定的sql语句 *@param int $type 用户给的…
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { String queryForScanUsers_SQL = "select a.username AS user_name,b.* from tbl_aaa a left join tbl_bbb b where a.id=? limit 10"; //去除WHERE和LIMIT String sqlRegex = "(select\\s+)(.*)(\\s+…
oracle count 百万级 分页查询记录总数.总条数优化 oracle count 百万级 查询记录总数.总条数优化 最近做一个项目时,做分页时,发现分页查询速度很慢,分页我做的是两次查询,一次是查询总数,一次是查询分页结果 /** 查询总记录数 **/ SELECT COUNT(id) FROM USER order by id /** 查询结果集 **/ select * from ( select row_.*, rownum rownum_ from ( select id , u…