your local repository contains non-ascii】的更多相关文章

问题: 在linux服务器上使用maven编译war时报错: 16:41:35 [FATAL] Non-resolvable parent POM for ***: Failure to find *** in *** was cached in the local repository, resolution will not be reattempted until the update interval of nexus has elapsed or updates are forced…
安装CCS时候遇到  your local repository contains non-ascii 问题. 解决方法:  不要在中文目录下安装.…
今晚在编译 maven 项目的时候,命令行报错,出现 Failure to ... in ... 类似错误,详细的错误信息如下所示: [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [INFO] Building arrow [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ […
1.1 Maven仓库主要有2种: remote repository:相当于公共的仓库,大家都能访问到,一般可以用URL的形式访问,一般默认的地址: local repository:存放在本地磁盘的一个文件夹,例如,windows上默认是C:\Users\{用户名}\.m2\repository目录 1.2 Remote Repository主要有3种: 中央仓库: 私服:内网自建的m…
今天使用命令mvn compile编译maven项目时提示错误信息,部分错误信息如下: ...... was cached in the local repository, resolution will not be reattempted until the update interval of nexus ...... 发现proxool-0.9.1.jar下载到本地时失败,从提示可知是本地仓库的缓存(cached)造成,于是我删除目录C:\Users\Administrator\.m2\…
Install Oracle Jdbc driver in your Maven local repository If you are using Oracle, you must first install your Oracle JDBC driver in your local Maven repository. Here is how to proceed: Step 1 - Download the Oracle JDBC driver Please download manuall…
Failure to transfer org.apache.maven:maven-archiver:pom:2.5 from  maven2 was cached in the local repository, resolution will not be reattempted until the update   interval of central has elapsed or updates are forced. Or…
今天使用命令mvn compile编译maven项目时提示错误信息,错误信息如下: [ERROR] Failed to execute goal on project <project_name>: Could not resolve dependencies for project<project_name>:jar:1.0.7: Failure to find in http:…
pom.xml报错: Failure to transfer org.apache.maven:maven-archiver:pom:2.5 from was cached in the local repository, resolution will not be reattempted until the update interval of central has elapsed or updates are fo…
对于Maven项目来说,日常使用的多数第三方java库文件都可以从Maven的Central Repository中自动下载,但是如果我们需要的jar文件不在Central Repository中,那么我们就需要手动将自己下载的jar文件加入到Maven的local reposotory中了,此时我们需要向Maven提供用于识别jar文件(可能多个)的groupId, artifactId和version等信息. 我并不打算讲怎么将一个下载的jar库加入到local repository中,我们…