一.Thread API: setDefaultUncaughtExceptionHandler(Thread.UncaughtExceptionHandler eh) 首先要了解什么是Thread.UncaughtExceptionHandler,默认来说当线程出现未捕获的异常时,会中断并抛出异常,抛出后的动作只有简单的堆栈输出.如: public class ThreadTest{ public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception…
Life Cycle of Thread – Understanding Thread States in Java 深入理解java线程生命周期. Understanding Life Cycle of Thread and Thread States are very important when you are working with Threads and programming for multi-threaded environment. 理解线程的生命周期很重要滴,当你在你的程序…
Thread.stop, Thread.suspend, Thread.resume被标记为废弃的方法.在查看JDK的文档时,提到了下面的参考文章,先是英文版,接着是中文翻译. Why is Thread.stop deprecated?Because it is inherently unsafe. Stopping a thread causes it to unlock all the monitors that it has locked. (The monitors are unloc…
转自 : http://docs.oracle.com/javase/1.5.0/docs/guide/misc/threadPrimitiveDeprecation.html 1.Why is Thread.stop deprecated? Because it is inherently unsafe. Stopping a thread causes it to unlock all the monitors that it has locked. (The monitors are un…
Table of Contents 1. STL, Thread and SGI 2. STL and Lock 2.1. RAII 2.2. Use Lock in STL 1 STL, Thread and SGI C++98 以及之前的 C++ 标准中,并未对线程做出过规定,但对于 STL 来讲,SGI 做出了自己的规定,很多其他的 STL 实现也遵循这些规定: The SGI implementation of STL is thread-safe only in the sense t…
Thread运行过程分析: 以下是一个最普通的Thread实现过程,我们今天就来看仔细分析下他是如何运行的. public class ThreadRunMain { public static void main(String[] args) { MyThread mt = new MyThread(); mt.setName("MyThread"); Thread th = new Thread(mt); th.setName("thThread"); th.s…
一.Thread的使用 (1)sleep:进程等一会 (2)join:让并发处理变成串行 (3)start:启动线程的唯一方法,start()首先为线程分配必须的系统资源,调度线程运行并执行线程的run()方法 (4)run:放入的是线程的工作 public class HelloWord { public static void main(String[] args) { Thread t = new Thread(new Runnable() { @Override public void…
WinDbg是微软发布的一款相当优秀的源码级(source-level)调试工具,可以用于Kernel模式调试和用户模式调试,还可以调试Dump文件. 1. WinDbg介绍: Debugging Tools and Symbols: Getting Startedhttp://www.microsoft.com/whdc/devtools/debugging/debugstart.mspx A word for WinDbghttp://mtaulty.com/communitys…
下载winsdksetup.exe ,双击,选择Debugging Tools for Windows安装. 64位系统抓64位进程dump,用64位windbg来分析.64位系统抓32位进程dump,用32位windbg来分析 用VS命令行执行where sos.dll 找到sos.dll路径 SOS does not support the current target architecture 这个错误的原因是用了32位的任务管理器抓的32位的dump文件. 需要用64位的任务管理器抓32…