How to Use Android ADB Command Line Tool】的更多相关文章

Android Debug Bridge (adb) is a tool that lets you manage the state of an emulator instance or Android phone. ADB is bundled with Android SDK package that can be downloaded from Android SDK download page. This tool is usefull for communicating with A…
根据 Windows命令行进入项目目录后,安装Plugin使用命令:phonegap local plugin add不过对于Corova,应该是:cordova plugin ad…
There is small command-line utility for generating graphs out of JTL files. It behave just like right-click context menu on all graphs. The tool can generate PNG, CSV or both. Note you can use GraphsGeneratorListener if you want to bulk generate grap…
w curl has a full cookie "engine" built in. If you just activate it, you can have curl receive and send cookies exactly as mandated in the specs. Command line options: -b, --cookie tell curl a file to…
一.adb启动activity: $ adb shell$ am start -n {包(package)名}/{包名}.{活动(activity)名称} 如:启动浏览器 # am start -n   二.adb启动service: $ adb shell$ am startservice -n {包(package)名}/{包名}.{服务(service)名称} 如:启动自己应用中…
众所周知,xcode10新增的编译系统new build system会不支持一些老项目的编译,一般的做法是在Xcode编译配置Xcode->File->Project Settings/Workspace Setting-> Build System -> Legacy Build System. 但是xcodebuild命令同样也可能会出现编译报错,因为是命令执行,所以无法直接更改这个配置,解决方式是增加 -UseModernBuildSystem=NO 这个参数即可. xco…
首先RunLoop相关博客参考这篇 最近开发了一个mac上的命令行工具,我在主线程没有任何代码运行,而是开辟了三个queue去执行各自逻辑,导致执行下面代码时,即使我的三个queue全部运行完了,命令行仍旧没有结束掉.     while (condition) { // waiting for new data if ([[NSRunLoop currentRunLoop]…
The Valentine's Day is coming. Here is an auto-input method and you may use it to send multiple words repeatedly. For example, you may either send 999 "I love you." to your lover... Or you may send couples into library to devote themselves for o…
26down votefavorite 7 My problem: Running windows 7 and using the executable command line tool to curl my localhost server api for POST data was returning me an error that seems to be really common. The request was being sent properly with the except…
For our development process of iOS applications, we are using Jenkins set up on the Mac Mini Server, acting as a Continuous Integration (CI) server. It’s fairly easy to configure Jenkins for Xcode projects using Xcode Plugin - however, from time to t…
Java命令行选项解析之Commons-CLI & Args4J & JCommander JCommander star1000+ This is an annotation based parameter parsing framework for Java 8. Here is a quick example: public class JCommanderTest { @Parameter publi…
How to Install Command Line Tools in OS X Mavericks & Yosemite (Without Xcode) Mac users who prefer to have a more traditional Unix toolkit accessible to them through the Terminal may wish to install the optional Command Line Tools subsection of the…
By Ravi Saive Under: Linux Commands, Monitoring Tools On: December 26, 2013 It’s really very tough job for every System or Network administrator to monitor and debugLinux System…
copy from Android Command Note Logcat adb logcat -v time adb logcat -v time -b main adb logcat -v time -b system adb logcat -v time -b events adb logcat -v time -b radio adb shell logcat -b all adb log…
Android Studio集成SVN插件,check out出代码后,每次开启都会在右上角出现如下错误: Can't use Subversion command line client: svn Probably the path to Subversion executable is wrong. Fix it.Errors found while svn working copies detection. Fix it. 下面直接上解决方案吧: 1.安装客户端http://ncu.dl.…
错误提示: (1). stderr: xcode-select: error: tool 'xcodebuild' requires Xcode, but active developer directory '/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools' is a command line tools instance (2). An unknown server-side error occurred while processing the command. O…
Android Studio集成SVN插件,check out出代码后.每次开启都会在右上角出现例如以下错误: Can't use Subversion command line client: svn Probably the path to Subversion executable is wrong. Fix it. Errors found while svn working copies detection. Fix it. 以下直接上解决方式吧: 1.安装clienthttp://n…
运行xcode命令报错: sh-3.2# xcodebuild xcode-select: error: tool 'xcodebuild' requires Xcode, but active developer directory '/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools' is a command line tools instanc 直接百度错误提示信息找这篇贴子 博主找到的原因是: 升级Xcode后,不是系统默认位置.我想我是直接安装最新版的xcode应…
Android ADB命令教程二——ADB命令详解 转载▼ 原文链接:       我们使用 adb -h 来看看,adb命令里面包含了多少子命令:   C:\Windows\System32>adb -h Android Debug Bridge version 1.0.31    -a - directs adb to listen on all interfaces for a connection  -d - dire…
How to build .apk file from command line Created on Wednesday, 29 June 2011 14:32 If you don’t want to install a number of programs for building your Android project, this article is for you. You will need only JDK, the Android SDK platform tools and…
做了这么长时间的开发与管理,在命令上总是自见则过,往往却忽视了在其命令上的分享过程,所以现在稍微有点时间就把 其命令的相关操作来简单的扫盲一番吧,也系统通过这种方式去授之以渔而不是鱼,好了,我以图解的方式来展示,当然我的习惯就是任何东西先看帮助文档或者命令,就今天我们这里要讲解的ADB命令在命令行中可以通过命令帮助来进行详细了解,废话不多说,先上图吧: 以上为使用help来显示其相关的命令使用说明,当然那个如果你的英文足够好的话,其实这些都很简单,当然,如你不太习惯去看这些英文描述的话,那接下来…
ADB是Android debug bridge的缩写,它使用PC机可以通过USB或网络与android设备通讯. adb的源码位于system/core/adb目录下,先来看下编译脚本 # Copyright 2005 The Android Open Source Project # # for adb # LOCAL_PATH:= $(call my-dir) # adb host tool # =========================…
在Object-C基础教程中写到,要求选择Xcode中Mac OS X - Command Line Utility - Foundation Tool 但在Xcode4.5中Mac OS X中没有Command Line Utility,如下图所示: 找了一会,终于找到解决方案啦!…
java.lang.UnsupportedClassVersionError: com/android/dx/command/Main : Unsupported major.minor ver 解决办法: 把compile sdk version与Build tool version改成对应的. 之后在clean ,rebuild.…
C:\Program Files\Atmel\Atmel Studio 6.1\atbackend\atprogram.exe No command specified.Atmel Studio Command Line InterfaceCopyright (C) 2013 Atmel Corporation. Usage: atprogram [options] <command> [arguments] [<command> [arguments] ...] Options:…
原文 How to install IIS 7.5 on Windows 7 using the Command Line On Windows Vista, to install IIS 7.0 from the command line, you can use a tool called the Windows Package Manager (Pkgmgr.exe). For example, the command line for installing IIS 7. 0 on Win…
解决adb command not found以及sdk环境配置 分类: mark 2013-10-02 09:41 2975人阅读 评论(0) 收藏 举报 原文地址: 装完ubuntu系统之后,可能通常都是去配置JDK已经一些其他开发环境 我老是忘了去配置SDK,以至于在使用adb命令的时候报出一些错误.现在就记录一下如何解决这个问题,以方便我自己查阅. 在执行adb…
adb的全称为Android Debug Bridge.是android司机经常用到的工具 . 你能在本篇文章中学到什么? adb基本指令 Shell AM&PM adb模拟用户事件 logcat日志 常用节点 远程ADB 常用命令集 一. 基本指令 进入指定设备 adb -s serialNumber shell 查看版本 adb version 查看日志 adb logcat 查看设备 adb devices 连接状态 adb get-state 启动ADB服务 adb start-serv…
第一种报错(使用的自带mac命令行) bash: adb: command not found 1.vim ~/.bash_profile ,如果.bash_profile不存在,先touch ~/.bash_profile 2.将如下内容添加到.bash_profile文件中 ...... ANDROID_HOME=/Users/edmond/Library/Android/sdk PATH=$ANDROID_HOME/tools:$ANDROID_HOME/platform-tools:$P…
转自: 类似的oclif Once upon a time, the command line seemed scary and intimidating to me. I felt as if it stared back at me blankly like the price tag on somet…