
Exercise 1:Linear Regression---实现一个线性回归 在本次练习中,需要实现一个单变量的线性回归.假设有一组历史数据<城市人口,开店利润>,现需要预测在哪个城市中开店利润比较好? 历史数据如下:第一列表示城市人口数,单位为万人:第二列表示利润,单位为10,000$ 5.5277 9.1302 8.5186 13.6620 7.0032 11.8540 ..... ...... 用Matlab画出的图形如下:首先加载数据,将data中的第一列数据保存到X中,将data中…
This blog post was written for the Lockheed Martin Insight blog, sharing here for the external audience. Last month I started the Pluralsight summer camp by watching an interesting video in which the presenter implements Conway's Game of Life using H…
Author: Emmanuel Goossaert 翻译 This article is a short guide to implementing an algorithm from a scientific paper. I have implemented many complex algorithms from books and scientific publications, and this article sums up what I have learned while se…
题目链接: Sum of Medians Time Limit:3000MSMemory Limit:262144KB 问题描述 In one well-known algorithm of finding the k-th order statistics we should divide all elements into groups of five consecutive elements and find the median of each five. A median is cal…
Profile Introduction to Blog 您能看到这篇博客导读是我的荣幸.本博客会持续更新.感谢您的支持.欢迎您的关注与留言.博客有多个专栏,各自是关于 Android应用开发 .Windows App开发 . UWP(通用Windows平台)开发 . SICP习题解 和 Scheme语言学习 . 算法解析 与 LeetCode等题解 .而近期会加入的文章将主要是算法和Android.只是其他内容也会继续完好. About the Author 独立 Windows App 和…
A GIF decoder: an exercise in Go interfaces  一个GIF解码器:go语言接口训练 25 May 2011 Introduction At the Google I/O conference in San Francisco on May 10, 2011, we announced that the Go language is now available on Google App Engine. Go is the first language t…
In the last chapter we saw how neural networks can learn their weights and biases using the gradient descent algorithm. There was, however, a gap in our explanation: we didn't discuss how to compute the gradient of the cost function. That's quite a g…
[题目大意] f(i)=((Af(i-1)+B)/(Cf(i-1)+D)) mod P. 给出f(0), A, B, C, D, P, n,求f(n). 多组数据T<=1e4 n<=1e18, P <= 1e9, |f(0)|,|A|,|B|,|C|,|D| <= 1e9 保证任何时候存在逆元. [题解] 首先我们有一种O(TP)的做法:找循环节. 考场上因为数据原因是可以AC的.. # include <map> # include <stdio.h> #…
Source, git Heap is a data structure that can fundamentally change the performance of fairly common algorithms in Computer Science. The heap data structure is called a heap because it satisfies the heap property. The heap property states, that if P i…
BZOJ_2097_[Usaco2010 Dec]Exercise 奶牛健美操_二分答案+树形DP Description Farmer John为了保持奶牛们的健康,让可怜的奶牛们不停在牧场之间 的小路上奔跑.这些奶牛的路径集合可以被表示成一个点集和一些连接 两个顶点的双向路,使得每对点之间恰好有一条简单路径.简单的说来, 这些点的布局就是一棵树,且每条边等长,都为1. 对于给定的一个奶牛路径集合,精明的奶牛们会计算出任意点对路径的最大值, 我们称之为这个路径集合的直径.如果直径太大,奶牛们就…