facebook chat 【转】】的更多相关文章

Facebook Chat, offered a nice set of software engineering challenges: Real-time presence notification: The most resource-intensive operation performed in a chat system is not sending messages. It is rather keeping each online user aware of the online…
官方API文档: https://developers.facebook.com/docs/chat/ 下面是根据文档修改的类: <?php class Invite_Chat{ protected static $_instance = array(); private $server = 'chat.facebook.com'; // fb xmpp 服务器 private $access_token = ''; // FB chat XMPP 标准 private $STREAM_XML…
How to add Facebook’s Customer Chat Plugin to your website By Gerardo Salandra  Do you need a live chat plugin on your website? It would be great if your web visitors would chat with you through Facebook Messenger so you could message them back any t…
揭底Facebook 的系统架构 www.MyException.Cn   发布于:2012-08-28 12:37:01   浏览:0次 0 揭秘Facebook 的系统架构 www.MyException.Cn   发布于:2012-08-28 12:37:01 Facebook是一个社交网路服务网站,同时Facebook是美国排名第一的照片分享站点,每天上载八百五十万张照片.那么Facebook系统架构是什么样的呢?本文将为你揭秘! 来源:http://www.quora.com/What…
Facebook的体系结构分析---外文转载 From various readings and conversations I had, my understanding of Facebook's current architecture is: Web front-end written in PHP. Facebook's HipHop Compiler [1] then converts it to C++ and compiles it using g++, thus providi…
来源:http://www.quora.com/What-is-Facebooks-architecture(由Micha?l Figuière回答) 根据我现有的阅读和谈话,我所理解的今天Facebook的架构如下: Web 前端是由 PHP 写的.Facebook 的 HipHop[1] 会把PHP转成 C++并用 g++编译,这样就可以为模板和Web逻贺业务层提供高的性能. 业务逻辑以Service的形式存在,其使用Thrift[2].这些Service根据需求的不同由PHP,C++或Ja…
http://blog.csdn.net/sigh1988/article/details/9790337 这里原帖地址: http://www.mitbbs.com/article_t/JobHunting/32492515.html 以下为转载内容 ===========================我是分割线================== 稍微总结一下 1. 入门级的news feedhttp://www.quora.com/What-are-best-practices-for-…
Facebook Architecture Quora article a relatively old presentation on facebook architecture another InfoQ presentation on Facebook architecture / scale Web frontend PHP HipHop HipHop Virtual Machine (HHVM) BigPipe to pipeline page rendering, by dividi…
很多事情要做,一件一件来; Erlang Resources 小站 2013年1月~6月资讯合集,方便检索.      小站地址: http://site.douban.com/204209/     1 月   A few thoughts about Open Source Software Antirez http://dou.bz/1pyUXj Erlang's biggest missing feature: globals http://dou.bz/22GYw7 DTrace, F…
原文链接:http://highscalability.com/blog/2014/2/26/the-whatsapp-architecture-facebook-bought-for-19-billion.html 原文写于2014年2月26日,以下是译文: 在雅虎曾经用C++写过高性能信息通道的Rick Reed并不是高扩展性架构世界中的新手.跟他一起的创业者们都是有丰富可扩展系统经验的前雅虎人.所以WhatsApp在可扩展性上的实力非常强.而且由于他们的目标就是让世界上每一台智能机( 几年…
Last updated on August 20, 2014 Authored by Adrien Brochard 12 Comments If the habit on reading books on electronic tablets is still on its way, reading books on a computer is even rarer. It is hard enough to focus on the classics of the 16th century…
偶的 Lumia 920 已经升级到最新的 8.1 开发者预览版本号,使用中没有发现什么问题. 可能是由于偶玩手机的情况比較少吧!忽然看到 MS 停止此版本号的更新,并说明有非常多的 BUG,偶就郁闷了. 下面是从网络上复制过来的,大家看看吧. Windows Phone 8.1开发人员预览版推出近1周,抢先体验和測试多多少少遇到了一些问题,有的是系统固件方面的问题,有的官方或第三方应用方面的问题,还有的是系统功能的改变带来的问题. 不想尝试新版WP8.1或者嫌麻烦的机友能够直接等今夏開始的WP…
As a software developer, you certainly have a high-level picture of how web apps work and what kinds of technologies are involved: the browser, HTTP, HTML, web server, request handlers, and so on. In this article, we will take a deeper look at the se…
11年的blog. Facebook Messages seamlessly integrates many communication channels: email, SMS, Facebook Chat, and the existing Facebook Inbox. Combining all this functionality and offering a powerful user experience involved building an entirely new infr…
目标: 搭建一个XMPP服务器, 实现在web page上用javascript与自己XMPP服务器通信, 匿名登录并与任何一个XMPP(Jabber)帐户通信. (Gtalk目前尚有问题) XMPP服务器可能不是必须的(见下文, 我没有尝试) 环境与配置: XMPP服务器:ejabberd文档HTTP-Binding: 使用ejabberd搭建, 5280端口.Javascript Client:Strophe文档 安装Ejabberd yuminstallejabberd #apt-get…
http://www.oschina.net/translate/a-comparison-between-misultin-mochiweb-cowboy-nodejs-and-tornadoweb 英文原文:A comparison between Misultin, Mochiweb, Cowboy, NodeJS and Tornadoweb As some of you already know, I’m the author of Misultin, an Erlang HTTP l…
Ultimate Facebook Messenger for Business Guide (Updated: Feb 2019) By Iaroslav Kudritskiy November 29, 2018  It's right to be hesitant when adding more channels for contacting your business. Adding Facebook Messenger means another place to manage use…
12 Best Live Chat Software for Small Business Compared (2019)     Did you know that more than 67% of users on eCommerce websites abandon their shopping carts without checking out? Customers want their questions to be answered instantly, and any uncer…
One of the key values at Facebook is to move fast. For the past six years, we have been able to accomplish a lot thanks to rapid pace of development that PHP offers. As a programming language, PHP is simple. Simple to learn, simple to write, simple t…
导读:毫无疑问,作为全球最领先的社交网络,Facebook的高性能集群系统承担了海量数据的处理,它的服务器架构一直为业界众人所关注.CSDN博主yanghehong在他自己最新的一篇博客< Facebook的服务器架构>中分享了他的看法. 大体层次划分 Facebook的架构可以从不同角度来换分层次. 一种是:一边是PHP整的经典的LAMP stack:另外一个是非PHP整的各种service. Facebook的页面从刚创立的时候扎克伯格写的,到现在,都用PHP开发.后端有用各种语言开发的s…
At the scale that Facebook operates, a lot of traditional approaches to serving web content breaks down or simply aren’t practical. The challenge for Facebook’s engineers has been to keep the site up and running smoothly in spite of handling close to…
印象中这似乎是 Facebook 第一次来浙大校园做交流. 前不久,也参加了 Google 的校园宣讲,G 的两大宣讲主题是 Google 介绍和模拟面试.印象最深的是无敌的一家三口每年 100w 封顶的豪华医保(配偶不限男女 LOL).这次 Facebook 的结构类似: Tech Talk: Ranking News Feed for 1.2 Billon People Workshop: Crush Your Coding Interview 两位主讲人都很棒,下面是自己的简要记录. Cr…
How to Create and Use Facebook Messenger Codes (June 2019) By Gerardo Salandra  What is a Messenger Code? It is really just a Facebook Messenger QR code that you can use to drive traffic to your Facebook Page. It is similar in the traditional QR code…
Top 5 Business Messaging Announcements at Facebook F8 2019 By Iaroslav Kudritskiy May 2, 2019 With the Facebook F8 Conference 2019 wrapping up, this is an excellent time to update you on the effect Facebook's plans have on business messaging. With th…
介绍 在电子商务网上商店发明之前,我们总是有机会与销售代表或分销商在选择商品或服务时交谈.在进入数字世界后,这个领域变得沉默.这样对顾客方便吗?我认为不是.向销售代表或经销商询问他们想要的产品或服务是很容易的,而不需要在多个目录和商店中搜索.今天,几乎每一个"现代人"都在使用通讯应用程序--WhatsApp.Facebook messenger.Slack.雅虎等等.Facebook为开发者提供了一种非常棒的能力,使电子商务.在线商店.服务和其他分销机构对他们的客户更加友好--支持实时…
导读:毫无疑问,作为全球最领先的社交网络,Facebook的高性能集群系统承担了海量数据的处理,它的服务器架构一直为业界众人所关注.CSDN博主yanghehong在他自己最新的一篇博客< Facebook的服务器架构>中分享了他的看法. 大体层次划分 Facebook的架构可以从不同角度来换分层次. 一种是:一边是PHP整的经典的LAMP stack:另外一个是非PHP整的各种service. Facebook的页面从刚创立的时候扎克伯格写的,到现在,都用PHP开发.后端有用各种语言开发的s…
Realtime Updates for Payments are an essential method by which you are informed of changes to orders made through Facebook Payments within your app. Facebook has built Realtime Updates for Payments with a focus on reliability, allowing your app to de…
Tech companies dominate Glassdoor’s ranking of the highest paying companies in the U.S., snagging 20 of the top 25 spots. But no tech company ranks higher than Juniper Networks, which pays its workers a median total compensation of $157,000. The next…
SDK接入(1)之Android Facebook SDK接入 由于游戏已上线,且处于维护阶段,所以有空写写各种SDK接入过程和遇到的问题,也当作一种工作总结.SDK接入主流分为这么几类,登录.支付.分享.推送.统计等,达到借'他山之石'的效果.顺便吐槽下,现在国内是个渠道就弄个所谓的自己的SDK,各种文档更新不及时.文档与Sample不对应.Sample测试不全或运行报错.技术支持沟通无人回复等,真是深受其害. (1)接入前准备工作 需科学上网(FQ,VPN什么的自己解决),注册Faceboo…
本文转自:http://andrewlock.net/an-introduction-to-oauth-2-using-facebook-in-asp-net-core/ This is the next post in a series on authentication and authorisation in ASP.NET Core. In this post I look in moderate depth at the OAuth 2.0 protocol as it pertain…