
Updated: April 17, 2012 Applies To: Windows Server 2003, Windows Vista, Windows Server 2008, Windows 7, Windows Server 2003 R2, Windows Server 2008 R2, Windows Server 2012, Windows 8 Fix domain name dependencies in Group Policy Objects and Group Poli…
From: Adprep Append Arp Assoc At Atmadm Attrib Auditpol Autochk Autoconv Autofmt Bcdboot Bcdedit Bdehdcfg Bitsadmin Bootcfg Break Cacls Call Cd Certreq Certutil Change Chcp Chdir Chglog…
参考:Windows Commands 微软官方帮助 参考:DOS命令自学小窍门:巧用help命令 参考:bat批处理的注释语句 打开文件夹: start D:\abc 打开D盘abc文件夹 打开exe文件: D:\Windows-Linux\putty.exe putty.exe[在同一个文件夹内] 输出空行: echo. 参考:批处理 ECHO命令输出空行 切换到 D 盘: C:\Users\Alex>D: D:\>cd D:\MODISPRO D:\MODISPRO> 注释: ::…
TechNet Library Windows Server Windows Server 2012 R2 and Windows Server 2012 Management and Tools Command-Line Reference Command-Line Reference A-Z List Command-Line Syntax Key Commands by Server Role Adprep Append Arp Assoc At Atmadm Attrib Auditpo…
TechNet 库 Windows Server Windows Server 2008 R2 und Windows Server 2008 Windows Server 命令.参考和工具 Command-Line Reference A-Z List Adprep Append Arp Assoc At Atmadm Attrib Auditpol Autochk Autoconv Autofmt Bcdboot Bcdedit Bdehdcfg Bitsadmin Bootcfg Brea…