Sereja and Brackets 题目链接: CodeForces - 380C Sereja has a bracket sequence s1, s2, ..., *s**n, or, in other words, a string s* of length n, consisting of characters "(" and ")". Sereja needs to answer m queries, each of them is describe…
Sereja and Brackets 题目链接: CodeForces - 380C Sereja has a bracket sequence s1, s2, ..., *s**n, or, in other words, a string s* of length n, consisting of characters "(" and ")". Sereja needs to answer m queries, each of them is describe…
题意 题目链接 Sol 线性基+线段树分治板子题.. 调起来有点自闭.. #include<bits/stdc++.h> #define fi first #define se second #define pb push_back #define bit bitset<B + 1> using namespace std; const int MAXN = 501, B = 1001, SS = 4001; inline int read() { char c = getchar…