The simpliest way to retrieve data from tables is take them all. To do this, you can write: 1 all_entries = Entry.objects.all() But, usually, you have to select a subset of data. To reach this goal, you can filter the QuerySet with some conditions.…
Making Qeries 一旦创建了数据模型,Django就会自动为您提供一个数据库抽象API,允许您创建.检索.更新和删除对象.本文档解释了如何使用这个API. The models 一个class代表一个数据库中的table from django.db import models class Blog(models.Model): name = models.CharField(max_length=100) tagline = models.TextField() def __str_…
django/ at master · django/django def get_or_create(self, defaults=None, **kwargs): """ Look up an object with the given kwargs, creating one if necessary. Retur…