Fisheye projections from spherical maps Written by Paul Bourke May 2003, software updated January 2016 See also: Mapping a equirectangular projection to perspective The source code implementing the projections below is only available on request for a…
Computer GeneratedAngular Fisheye Projections Written by Paul Bourke May 2001 There are two main idealised fisheye projections common in computer graphics rendering, they are the hemispherical and angular fisheye. They are two from an infinite number…
Converting a fisheye image into a panoramic, spherical or perspective projection Written by Paul Bourke November 2004 The source code implementing the projections below is only availableon request for a small fee. It includes a demo application and a…
简单实现 鱼眼模式(Fisheye)和普通的透视投影(Perspective projection),一个很大的区别就是鱼眼的投影算法是非线性的(non-linear),实际照相机的情况是在镜头外面包围一个半球体,将场景通过半球体投影到画布上.大致如下: M x \ \ ______ M'_x' `-. ,' |\ `. / | \ \ / | \ \ | | \ | __________|_____|____\_________|_________ M" O 1 M: world positi…
简单实现 鱼眼模式(Fisheye)和普通的透视投影(Perspective projection),一个很大的区别就是鱼眼的投影算法是非线性的(non-linear),实际照相机的情况是在镜头外面包围一个半球体,将场景通过半球体投影到画布上.大致如下: M x \ \ ______ M'_x' `-. ,' |\ `. / | \ \ / | \ \ | | \ | __________|_____|____\_________|_________ M" O 1 M: world positi…
update20090601:EPSG对该投影的编号设定为EPSG:3857,对应的WKT也发生了变化,下文不再修改,相对来说格式都是那样,可以到 网站输入SRID进行查询.         Google Maps和Virtual Earth等的流行程度不用多讲,然而他们所使用的Web Mercator或Spherical Mercator在很长一段时间内并没有被EPSG的投影数据库所接纳.EPSG认为它不能算作科学意义上的投影,所以只是给…
地理信息描述空间位置相关的信息,在空间位置的表达中,需要基于空间参照系来保证数据精度以及不同数据源之间的相互叠加/空间分析操作.自Google Maps与2005年发布以来,电子地图服务与普通民众的日常生活关联日益密切,对于从事GIS行业的人员来说,基于现有地图服务制作相关应用能够达到事半功倍的效果.在本篇文章中主要介绍电子地图数据相关的概念以及构成弟子地图服务基础的Web Mercator投影坐标系的相关内容. 相关概念: Spacial Reference,空间参考 EPSG,Europea…
catalogue . SOM简介 . SOM模型在应用中的设计细节 . SOM功能分析 . Self-Organizing Maps with TensorFlow . SOM在异常进程事件中自动分类的可行性设计 . Neural gas简介 . Growing Neural Gas (GNG) Neural Network . Simple implementation of the "growing neural gas" artificial neural network .…
MapServer Tutorial——MapServer7.2.1教程学习——第一节用例实践:Example1.6 Defining Projections and Extents 一.前言 当在mapfile文件中定义PROJECTION对象时,MapServer将图层和投影信息传递给proj.4库执行重投影.详情请看: 有数以千计的地理参考系统.为了将数据集与不同地理参考系统结合到地图中,必须将数据集转换(投影)到地图中选定的地理参考系统. PROJE…
Reported Features How to Tell Science Stories with Maps August 25, 2015   Greg Miller This map, part of Audubon’s Birds and Climate Change report, depicts predicted changes in tree swallows’ summer (yellow) and winter (blue) ranges. Maps are amazing…