When there is an obstacle, or when a Java based Web application is running much slower than expected, we need to use thread dumps. If thread dumps feel like very complicated to you, this article may help you very much. Here I will explain what thread…
Java and Thread 一个 web 服务器使用几十到几百个线程来处理大量并发用户,如果一个或多个线程使用相同的资源,线程之间的竞争就不可避免了,并且有时候可能会发生死锁. Thread contention 是一个线程等待锁的一个状态,这个锁被另外一个线程持有,等待被释放,不同的线程频繁访问 WEB 应用的共享资源.例如,记录一条日志,线程尝试记录日志之前必须先获取锁来访问共享资源. 死锁是线程竞争的一个特殊状态,一个或是多个线程在等待其他线程完成它们的任务为了完成它们自己的任务. 线…
原文地址:http://architects.dzone.com/articles/how-analyze-java-thread-dumps The Performance Zone is presented by AppDynamics. AppDynamics is a leaders in the APM space with massive cost reductions for users. The content of this article was originally wri…