说起来有点坑 用命令都能正常启动,但是用配置文件就是不行 提示 unable to load app (mountpoint='') (callable not found or import error) *** no app loaded. going in full dynamic mode *** 最后准备睡觉了了,无意间解决了 uwsgi.ini文件的wsgi模块是这样写的,一直报错,网上的都找遍了还是没解决 module = AutoTestSite.wsgi:application…
Here is my directory structure: -/path/to/folder/run.py -|app -|__init__.py -|views.py -|templates -|static Contents of /path/to/folder/run.py if __name__ == '__main__': from app import app #app.run(debug = True) app.run() Contents of /path/to/folder…
一.问题描述 在亚马逊云服务器使用Nginx+uwsgi部署django项目时,项目可以使用python manage.py runserver正常运行,uwsgi测试也没问题,Nginx也正常启动,nginx.conf和uwsgi.ini的配置也正确,使用uwsgi --ini uwsgi.ini运行项目时,报错: ImportError: libssl.so.10: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory unabl…