#include <iostream> struct CloneableBase { ; }; template<class Derived> struct Cloneable : CloneableBase { virtual CloneableBase* clone() const { return new Derived(static_cast<const Derived&>(*this)); } }; struct D1 : Cloneable<D…
You can use a variable whose type is a base class to reference instances of a derived class. However, using the variable whose type is the base class, you can use it to access only members of the base class and not members of the derived class. In th…
A Generative Entity-Mention Model for Linking Entities with Knowledge Base   一.主要方法 提出了一种生成概率模型,叫做entity-mention model. Explanation: In our model, each name mention to be linked is modeled as a sample generated through a three-step generative story,…
问题转载自:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/4937180/a-base-class-pointer-can-point-to-a-derived-class-object-why-is-the-vice-versa 看到这个问题,我的想法就是这不就是包含和被包含的关系吗,所以基类指针可以指向派生类对象,但是派生类指针不可以指向派生类对象.但是这又是为什么呢?这是理论上来回答这个问题,但是实现上呢? 下面有几个网友的回答: 1 jk.举了一个例子:如果你告…
1. Introducing the ADO.NET Entity Framework ado.net entity framework 介绍 1 The Entity Relationship Model: Programming Against a Model,Not the Database 实体关系模型:使用模型编程,而非数据库 2 The Entity Data Model: A Client-Side Data Model 试题对象模型:客户端对象模型 3 Entities: Blu…
致谢 本文是基于对<Inside the c++ object model>的阅读和gdb的使用而完成的.在此感谢Lippman对cfront中对象模型的解析,这些解析帮助读者拨开迷雾.此外,Linux下无比强大的gdb工具更是驱散"黑暗"的"明灯".  :) No-Inheritance class Base { public: ; static int b; ; void showBase1(); static int showBase2(); };…
There is a base class at the root of the hierarchy, from which the other class inherit, directly or indirectly. These inheriting classes are known as derived calsses. The key ideas in Object-Oriented Programming are data abstraction, inheritance and…
'boost::enable_shared_from_this<net::Session>' is an inaccessible base of 'net::Session' BOOST_ASSERT( p.get() == this ); 在使用enabel_shared_from_this是遇到报错 研究了一下是继承的时候没有采用public继承的原因 https://blog.csdn.net/crazyhacking/article/details/8013458 这个文章指明pri…
看了android下的代码,好长时间没看了,有个关于C++的知识点不是很清楚,查了下: 如何使用基类中的赋值运算符? 引述自http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1226634/how-to-use-base-classs-constructors-and-assignment-operator-in-c 参考:<C++ Primer>4ed_CN  p_495 编译器的默认设置: struct base { base() { std::cout <<…
Ordinarily, if we do not use a function, we do not need to supply a definition of the function. However, we must define every virtual function, regardless of whether it is used, bacuase compiler has no way to determine whether a virtual function is u…
A derived class inherits all of the members of a base class except for its constructors. You must define a constructor in a derived class unless the base class has defined a default (parameterless) constructor.  If you don’t define a constructor in t…
We have discussed a similar topic in Java here. Unlike Java, C++ allows to give more restrictive access to derived class methods. For example the following program compiles fine. 1 #include<iostream> 2 using namespace std; 3 4 class Base 5 { 6 publi…
C++ Core Guidelines September 9, 2015 Editors: Bjarne Stroustrup Herb Sutter This document is a very early draft. It is inkorrekt, incompleat, and pµøoorly formatted. Had it been an open source (code) project, this would have been release 0.6. Copy…
记得前段时间又一次拿起<Effective C++>的时候,有种豁然开朗的感觉,所以翻出了我第一遍读时做的笔记.只做参考以及查阅之用.如有需要请参阅<Effective C++>书本. by shenzi/2010.5.17 一.让自己习惯C++    条款01:视C++为一个语言联邦    为了更好的理解C++,我们将C++分解为四个主要次语言: C.说到底C++仍是以C为基础.区块,语句,预处理器,内置数据类型,数组,指针统统来自C. Object-Oreinted C++.这…
1. 让自己习惯C++ 条款01: 视C++为一个语言联邦 1.1 C++ 是一个多重泛型编程语言(multiparadigm programming),支持:过程形式(procedural),面向对象形式(object-oriented),函数形式(functional),泛型式(generic),元编程(metaprogramming). 1.2 将C++看做主语言,那么他就四种次语言组成:C,object-oriented C++,Template C++, STL. 请记住: C++ 高…
1.让自己习惯C++ 条款01:视C++为一个语言联邦 C++高效编程守则视状况而变化,取决于你使用C++的哪一部分. 条款02:尽量以const.enum.inline替换 #define 对于单纯常量,最好以const对象或enum替换#define 对于形似函数的宏,最好改用inline函数替换#define 条款03:尽可能使用const 将某些东西声明为const可帮助编译器侦测出错误用法.const可被施加于任何作用域内的对象.函数参数.函数返回类型.成员函数本体. 编译器强制实施b…
原文链接:http://www.c-sharpcorner.com/UploadFile/3d39b4/relationship-in-entity-framework-using-code-first-approach-w/ In this article, you will learn about relationships in Entity Framework using the Code First Approach with Fluent API. 在这篇文章中,你将会学习到使用EF…
  JsRender是一款基于jQuery的JavaScript模版引擎 特点: · 简单直观 · 功能强大 · 可扩展的 · 快如闪电 jsrender使用比较简单,本文简单结束一些常用的 使用过程: 1. 下载并导入相关js库(最后提供三个js源文件的源码copy,可直接使用) <script src="jsrender/jquery-1.8.0.min.js" type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8"…
Effective C++ chapter 2. 构造 / 析构 / 赋值运算 (Constructors, Destructors, and Assignment Operators) Item 6. 若不想使用编译器自动生成的函数,就该明确拒绝 (Explicitly disallow the use of compiler-generated functions you do not want) 地产中介商卖的是房子,一个中介软件系统自然而然想必有个 class 用来描述待售房屋: cla…
看完Effective C++才觉得平时程序设计时需要注意的一些问题,有一定的收获,不过因为没什么项目实践, 并未很深入了解具体情况如何,还需后继实践~ 列举一下55个条款: 1. 视C++为一个语言联邦. 2. 尽量以const, enum ,inline 替换#define a)  对于单纯常量,最好以const 对象或 enum 替换 #define b)  对于形似函数的宏,最好改用inline 函数替换 #define 3. 尽可能使用const a)  将某些东西声明为const可帮…
条款05:了解C++默默编写并调用哪些函数 编译器默认声明一个default构造函数.一个copy构造函数.一个copy assignment操作符和一个析构函数.这些函数都是public且inline. class Empty { public: Empty() {...} Empty(const Empty& rhs) {...} ~Empty() {...} Empty& operator=(const Empty& rhs) {...} }; 如果你打算在一个内含refer…
A person who is virtuous is also courteous. "有德者必知礼" 书本介绍:<Effective C++:改善程序与设计的55个具体做法>(中文版)(第3版) 一.让自己习惯C++ 1.如今的C++是一个多重范型的编程语言,同时支持过程形式(procedural).面向对象形式(object-oriented).函数形式(functional).泛型形式(generic).元编程形式(metaprogramming): 2.因为或许 …
条款49 了解new-handler的行为 记住: ★set_new_handler允许客户指定一个函数,在内存分配无法获得满足时被调用 ★Nothrow new是一个颇为局限的工具,∵其只适用于内存分配:后继的构造函数调用还是可能抛出异常 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- new操作符私底下通过调用operator new来实现内存分配.当operator ne…
(整理自Effctive C++,转载请注明.整理者:华科小涛@http://www.cnblogs.com/hust-ghtao/) 通常如果你不希望class支持某一特定机能,只要不声明对应函数就是了.但这个策略对copy构造函数和copy assignment操作符却不起作用,你如果不声明它们,而某些人尝试调用它,编译器会为你声明它们. 这把你逼到了一个困境.如果你不声明copy构造函数和copy assignment操作符,编译器可能为你产出一份,于是你的clas支持copying.如果…
https://github.com/PacktPublishing/Game-Development-Patterns-and-Best-Practices https://github.com/mattCasanova/Mach5 1. Introduction to Design Patterns (已看) 2. One Instance to Rule Them All - Singletons (已看) 3. Creating Flexibility with the Componen…
conceptC++ http://www.generic-programming.org/faq/?category=conceptcxx Checking Concept Without Concepts in C++ By Anthony Williams, September 22, 2010 1 Comment Get the benefits of C++0x but without the work Anthony Williams is author of the book C+…
Introduction Connection and transaction management is one of the most important concepts in an application that uses a database. When to open a connection, when to start a transaction, how to dispose the connection and so on.. ASP.NET Boilerplate man…
Code that is placed after the return statement never gets executed. In the first programgiven below, you will notice that there is a WriteLine function call in C# but is not visible inour IL code. This is because the compiler is aware that any statem…
条款1:视C++为一个语言联邦:C.Object-Oriented C++.Template C++.STLC++高效编程守则视情况而变化,取决于使用C++的哪一个部分 条款2:尽量以const,enum,inline替换#define1.对于单纯的常量,最好以const对象或enums替代#define2.对于形似函数的宏,最好用inline函数替代#define 条款3:尽可能使用const3.尽量使用const,将某些东西声明为const可以帮助编译器侦测出错误的用法.const可被施加与…
条款05 : 了解C++默默编写并调用哪些函数 编译器可以暗自为class创建default构造函数.copy构造函数.copy assignment操作符,以及析构函数. 1. default构造函数和析构函数:主要是给编译器一个地方用来放置“藏身幕后”的代码,像是调用base classes和non-static成员变量的构造和析构函数:当我们显式声明了一个构造函数,编译器于是不再为我们的类创建default构造函数. 2. 如果你打算在一个“内含reference成员”的class内支持赋…