from: How it works: Linux audio explained Posted at 11:30am on Thursday April 8th 2010 There's a problem with the state of Linux audio, and it's not that it doesn't always work. The issue is tha…
linux驱动 alsa模型: Linux ALSA声卡驱动之一:ALSA架构简介 Linux ALSA声卡驱动之二:声卡的创建 Linux ALSA声卡驱动之三:PCM设备的创建 Linux ALSA声卡驱动之四:Control设备的创建 Linux ALSA声卡驱动之五:移动设备中的ALSA(ASoC) Linux ALSA声卡驱动之六:ASoC架构中的Machine Linux ALSA声卡驱动之七:ASoC架构中的Codec Linux ALSA声卡驱动之八:ASoC架构中的Pla…
A Tutorial on Using the ALSA Audio API This document attempts to provide an introduction to the ALSA Audio API. It is not a complete reference manual for the API, and it does not cover many specific issues that more complex software will need to addr…
Dive into BPF: a list of reading material Sep 1, 2016 • Quentin Monnet◀Table of contents What is BPF? Dive into the bytecode Resources Generic presentations About BPF About XDP About other components related or based on eBPF Documentation About BPF A…
ALSA stands for the Advanced Linux Sound Architecture. It consists of a set of kernel drivers, an application programming interface (API) library and utility programs for supporting sound under Linux. In this article, I present a brief overview of th…
3. Network Setup Connecting Freight to a Monitor The easiest way to configure the wireless networking is to connect a monitor, keyboard, and mouse and use the Network Manager interface. Referencing the picture of Access Board in the previous post, w…