Entity Framework应用:Loading Entities】的更多相关文章

This article is dedicated to discussing the latest releases of the NHibernate and Entity Framework. NHibernate is (was?) a number one ORM Framework for ages. Its feature list is growing and some things such as code-based mappings and automatic migrat…
Data Developer Center > Learn > Entity Framework > Get Started > Loading Related Entities Loading Related Entities Entity Framework supports three ways to load related data - eager loading, lazy loading and explicit loading. The techniques sho…
Entity Framework允许控制对象之间的关系,在使用EF的过程中,很多时候我们会进行查询的操作,当我们进行查询的时候,哪些数据会被加载到内存中呢?所有的数据都需要吗?在一些场合可能有意义,例如:当查询的实体仅仅拥有一个相关的子实体时可以加载所有的数据到内存中.但是,在多数情况下,你可能并不需要加载全部的数据, 而是只要加载一部分的数据即可. 默认情况下,EF仅仅加载查询中涉及到的实体,但是它支持两种特性来帮助你控制加载: 1.贪婪加载 2.延迟加载 下面以客户类型.客户和客户邮件三个实…
Lazy Loading: One of the important functions of Entity Framework is lazy loading. Lazy loading means delaying the loading of related data, until you specifically request for it. For example, Student class contains StudentAddress as a complex property…
Eager Loading: Eager loading is the process whereby a query for one type of entity also loads related entities as part of the query. Eager loading is achieved using the Include() method. In the following example, it gets all the students from the dat…
前言 LINQ(Language Integrated Query,语言集成查询)是一组用于C#和VB.NET语言的扩展,它允许编写C#或者VB.NET代码,以与查询数据库相同的方式操作内存数据. LINQ提Entity Framework技术系列之7:LINQ to Entities供了丰富的类似SQL的查询语法,功能强大且容易上手.下图汇总展示了LINQ技术的官方实现集合: 图1官方LINQ实现汇总图 正 如上图所示,LINQ to Entities 是LINQ技术在实体对象模型中的一种实现…
I stumbled upon the following two articles First and Second in which the author states in summary that ORM Entities and Domain Entities shouldn't be mixed up. I faced exactly this problem at the moment as I code with EF 6.0 following the Code First a…
在使用Entity Framework加载关联实体时,可以有三种方式: 1.懒加载(lazy Loading); 2.贪婪加载(eager loading); 3.显示加载(explicit loading). EF默认使用的是懒加载(lazy Loading).一切由EF自动处理. 这种方式会导致应用程序多次连接数据库,这种情况推荐在数据量较大的情况下使用.当我们需要加载数据较少时,一次性全部加载数据会相对更高效. 我们来看看EF的显示加载(explicit loading)如何让我们完全掌控…
Entity Framework提供了三种加载相关实体的方法:Lazy Loading,Eager Loading和Explicit Loading.首先我们先来看一下MSDN对三种加载实体方法的定义. Lazy Loading:对于这种类型的加载,在您访问导航属性时,会从数据源自动加载相关实体. 使用此加载类型时,请注意,如果实体尚未在 ObjectContext 中,则您访问的每个导航属性都会导致针对数据源执行一个单独的查询. Eager Loading:当您了解应用程序需要的相关实体的图形…
Disconnected Entities: Before we see how to perform CRUD operation on disconnected entity graph, let's see how to associate disconnected entity graph with the new context instance. There are two things we need to do when we get a disconnected entity…