ebDriverWait(driver,20).until(EC.visibility_of_element_located((MobileBy.ANDROID_UIAUTOMATOR,new UiSelector().text("我的柠檬")'))).click() 报错: Message: Could not parse UiSelector argument: ‘xxxxxxxxx’ is not a string 解决方案:外侧用 ‘’ (单引号) ,里面的字符串用 "…
运行自动化代码,appium返回Could not parse UiSelector argument: 'XXX' is not a string,其中的xxx就是定位的元素 解决方案:外侧用 '' (单引号) ,里面的字符串用 " " (双引号) 参考: https://blog.csdn.net/qq544649790/article/details/83960311…
PS: 解决办法搜集自:stackoverflow website:http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5677178/ndk-gdb-fails-with-message-invalid-attribute-name-package 1. 原因: The AndroidManifest.xml file had Windows carriage control (\r\n) which was messing up the ndk-gdb script. 总之…
关于 pylint 的 *E1101* 错误: 概念: %s %r has no %r member Function %r has no %r member Variable %r has no %r member . . . 描述: 在访问一个对象(变量,函数,....)中不存在的成员时会出现这个错误. 误报:在当报错的对象是动态创建的,并且确实是在访问的同时已经存在的时候pylint仍然会报出E1101的错误 解决办法 在代码的开头加上注释 # pylint: disable=no-m…