
Direct2D WPF 图形方面,c++标准有最新的提议(,把cairo graphics(集成进来,个人是乐观其成的.但这仅仅是显示部分,还有事件驱动部分目前没有成熟的候选. 在linux上QT的最大竞争对手GTK(The GTK+ Project)已经是构建于Cairo之上的,但过去版本功能平常,最近似乎又有一些不错的进展,但还… Latest news: 2013-08-26: cairo 1.12.16 snapshot available 2013-02-10: cairo 1.12.14 release available Cairo is a 2D graphics library with support for multiple output devices. Currently supported output targets include the X Window S…
Indexes and search engines These sites provide indexes and search engines for Go packages: gowalker gosearch Sourcegraph Contributing To edit this page you must be a contributor to the go-wiki project. To get contributor access, send mail t…
A curated list of awesome Go frameworks, libraries and software. Inspired by awesome-python. Contributing Please take a quick gander at the contribution guidelines first. Thanks to all contributors; you rock! If you see a package or project here that…
转内容目录Astronomy构建工具缓存云计算命令行选项解析器命令行工具压缩配置文件解析器控制台用户界面加密数据处理数据结构数据库和存储开发工具分布式/网格计算文档编辑器Encodings and Character SetsGamesGISGo ImplementationsGraphics and AudioGUIs and Widget ToolkitsHardwareLangu…
内容目录 Astronomy 构建工具 缓存 云计算 命令行选项解析器 命令行工具 压缩 配置文件解析器 控制台用户界面 加密 数据处理 数据结构 数据库和存储 开发工具 分布式/网格计算 文档 编辑器 Encodings and Character Sets Games GIS Go Implementations Graphics and Audio GUIs and Widget Toolkits Hardware Language and Linguistics 日志 机器学习 Math…
If you see a package or project here that is no longer maintained or is not a good fit, please submit a pull request to improve this file. Thank you! Contents Awesome Go Audio and Music Authentication and OAuth Command Line Configuration Continuous I…
最近在使用sdl做视频显示,因为需要显示文字,所以就找了sdl的拓展库,sdl_ttf来做文字显示. 这里说明一下:sdl_ttf不支持多线程,官方上面有说明,它不是多线程安全的. 所以当我最初使用sdl_ttf来做多线程显示文字的时候,就会出现崩溃的问题. 崩溃的地方老是出现在:FT_Load_Glyph这个函数. 然后我就发现,原来sdl_ttf不支持多线程,而sdl_ttf下的freetype它其实也是非多线程安全的,也只单线程使用. 同时在查找的过程中,我找到了几个很有用的帖子,这里贴出…
Horst Rutter edited this page 7 days ago · 529 revisions Indexes and search engines These sites provide indexes and search engines for Go packages: awesome-go - A community curated list of high-quality resources. Awesome Go @LibHunt - Your go-to Go T…
备注: 1.先要安装wheel库:pip install wheel 2.下载wheel,切换至下载路径,然后安装:pip install wheel库名.whl Windows Python Extension Packages by Christoph Gohlke, Laboratory for Fluorescence Dynamics, University of California, Irvine. HoloPy, a tool for working with digital h…