本文转自:http://www.cnblogs.com/parry/p/ASPNET_MVC_Web_API_digest_authentication.html 在前一篇文章中,主要讨论了使用HTTP基本认证的方法,因为HTTP基本认证的方式决定了它在安全性方面存在很大的问题,所以接下来看看另一种验证的方式:digest authentication,即摘要认证. 系列文章列表 ASP.NET Web API(一):使用初探,GET和POST数据 ASP.NET Web API(二):安全验证…
在前一篇文章中,主要讨论了使用HTTP基本认证的方法,因为HTTP基本认证的方式决定了它在安全性方面存在很大的问题,所以接下来看看另一种验证的方式:digest authentication,即摘要认证. 系列文章列表 ASP.NET Web API(一):使用初探,GET和POST数据ASP.NET Web API(二):安全验证之使用HTTP基本认证ASP.NET Web API(三):安全验证之使用摘要认证(digest authentication) 摘要认证原理 在基本认证的方式中,主…
安全验证之使用摘要认证(digest authentication) 在前一篇文章中,主要讨论了使用HTTP基本认证的方法,因为HTTP基本认证的方式决定了它在安全性方面存在很大的问题,所以接下来看看另一种验证的方式:digest authentication,即摘要认证. 系列文章列表 ASP.NET Web API(一):使用初探,GET和POST数据ASP.NET Web API(二):安全验证之使用HTTP基本认证ASP.NET Web API(三):安全验证之使用摘要认证(digest…
Http authentication....BASIC: In the context of an HTTP transaction, basic access authentication is a method for a web browser or other client program to provide a user name and password when making a request.[1] Before transmission, the user name is…
Digest access authentication https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Digest_access_authentication Digest access authentication is one of the agreed-upon methods a web server can use to negotiate credentials, such as username or password, with a user's web brow…
HttpClient provides full support for authentication schemes defined by the HTTP standard specification as well as a number of widely used non-standard authentication schemes such as NTLM and SPNEGO. User Credentials Any process of user authentication…
http://docs.oracle.com/javase/7/docs/technotes/guides/net/http-auth.html Http Authentication Overview The HTTP protocol handler implements a number of authentication schemes. Sun's implementation of Java SE Version 6 supports the following: HTTP Basi…
From: http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2831.txt 2 Authentication The following sections describe how to use Digest as a SASL authentication mechanism. 2.1 Initial Authentication If the client has not recently authenticated to the server, then it must per…
https://www.vocal.com/sip-2/sip-user-authentication/ https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3261 SIP User Authentication There are two forms of authentication in SIP – authentication of a user agent (UA) by a proxy, redirect, or registration server and authe…
1. Spring Security 简介 在 Spring 生态系统中,为他的项目增加安全性,你可以借助 Spring Security 库来做到这一点. 那什么是 Spring Security? 从本质上讲,Spring Security 实际上只是一堆 servlet 过滤器,可帮助您向Web应用程序添加身份验证和授权.还与 Spring Web MVC(或 Spring Boot)之类的框架以及 OAuth2 或SAML 之类的标准很好地集成.并且它会自动生成登录/注销页面,并防御 C…
Indexes and search engines These sites provide indexes and search engines for Go packages: godoc.org gowalker gosearch Sourcegraph Contributing To edit this page you must be a contributor to the go-wiki project. To get contributor access, send mail t…
# WELCOME TO SQUID 3.0.STABLE26# ----------------------------## This is the default Squid configuration file. You may wish# to look at the Squid home page (http://www.squid-cache.org/)# for the FAQ and other documentation.## The def…