
面试47题:题:礼物的最大价值 题目:在一个mxn的棋盘的每一格都放有一个礼物,每个礼物都有一定的价值(价值大于0),你可以从棋盘的左上角开始拿格子里的礼物,并每次向右或者向下移动一格,直到到达棋盘的右下角.给定一个棋盘及其上面的礼物,请计算你最多能拿多少价值的礼物? 解题思路:这是一个典型的能用动态规划解决的问题.定义f(i,j)表示到达坐标(i,j)的格子能拿到的礼物总和的最大值.则f(i,j)=max(f(i-1,j),f(i,j-1))+gift(i,j) 利用循环写代码较为高效. 代码…
select * from student select * from score --select * from grade select * from course select * from teacher --1. 查询Student表中的所有记录的Sname.Ssex和Class列. select sname,ssex,class from Student --2. 查询教师所有的单位即不重复的Depart列. select distinct depart from teacher -…
题目:求所有全排列 难度:Medium 题目内容: Given a collection of distinct integers, return all possible permutations. 翻译:给定一组各不相同的整数,返回所有可能的排列. Example: Input: [1,2,3] Output: [ [1,2,3], [1,3,2], [2,1,3], [2,3,1], [3,1,2], [3,2,1] ] 我的思路:每种情况中,每一个元素只出现一次,只是之间的顺序不同,那么…
47.(10-6)choose two You need to calculate the number of days from 1st January 2007 till date. Dates are stored in the default format of dd-mon-rr. Which two SQL statements would give the required output? A) SELECT TO_DATE (SYSDATE, 'DD/MONTH/YYYY') -…
[3]Longest Substring Without Repeating Characters [11]Container With Most Water [15]3Sum (2019年2月26日) 给了一个乱序的数组,返回一个结果数组,数组里面每个元素是一个三元组, 三元组的和加起来为0. 题解:先固定第一个数,然后后面两个数的控制用夹逼定理,2 pointers 来解. class Solution { public: vector<vector<int>> threeSu…
choose one In your Oracle 12c database, you plan to execute the command: SQL> CREATE TABLESPACE tbsl DATAFILE '/u02/oracle/data/tbs0l.dbf' SIZE 50M; The u02 file system has 1 GB of free space available. What is the outcome? A) It raises an error beca…
3.A database is open read write and the instance has multiple sessions some of which have active transactions. You execute this command: SQL> ALTER SYSTEM ENABLE RESTRICTED SESSION; Which three are true about the active transactions? A) They may cont…
80.View the exhibit and examine the structure in ORDERS and ORDER_ITEMS tables. You need to create a view that displays the ORDER_ID, ORDER_DATE, and the total number of items in each order. Which CREATE VIEW statement would create the views successf…
79.Which statement is true about transactions? A. A set of Data Manipulation Language (DML) statements executed in a sequence ending with a SAVEPOINT forms a single transaction. B. Each Data Definition Language(DDL) statement executed forms a single…
78.View the exhibit and examine the structure of the CUSTOMERStable. Which two tasks would require subqueries or joins to be executed in a single statement? A. finding the number of customers, in each city, whose credit limit is more than the average…
77.Which two statements are true about sequences created in a single instance database? (Choose two.) A. When the MAXVALUElimit for the sequence is reached, you can increase the MAXVALUElimit by using the ALTER SEQUENCEstatement. B. DELETE < sequence…
76.View the exhibit and examine the description of the DEPARTMENTSand EMPLOYEEStables. The retrieve data for all the employees for their EMPLOYEE_ID, FIRST_NAME, and DEPARTMENT NAME, the following SQL statement was written: SELECT employee_id, first_…
75.Which statements are correct regarding indexes? (Choose all that apply.) A. A non-deferrable PRIMARY KEYor UNIQUE KEYconstraint in a table automatically attempts to creates a unique index. B. Indexes should be created on columns that are frequentl…
74.View the exhibit and examine the structure of ORDERS and CUSTOMERS tables. ORDERS Name     Null?       Type ORDER_ID  NOT NULL  NUMBER(4) ORDER_DATE  NOT NULL   DATE ORDER_MODE   VARCHAR2(8) CUSTOMER_ID NOT NULL  NUMBER(6) ORDER_TOTAL   NUMBER(8,…
73.Which statement correctly grants a system privilege? A. GRANT CREATE VIEW ON table1 TO user1; B. GRANT ALTER TABLE TO PUBLIC; C. GRANT CREATE TABLE TO user1, user2; D. GRANT CREATE SESSION TO ALL; Correct Answer: C Section: (none) Explanation 解析:无…
72.View the exhibit for the structure of the STUDENTand FACULTYtables. STUDENT Name Null? Type ------------------ ------------------- ------------- STUDENT_ID NOT NULL NUMBER(2) STUDENT_NAME VARCHAR2(20) FACULTY_ID VARCHAR2(2) LOCATION_ID NUMBER(2) F…
71.(32-18) choose three Which three statements indicate the end of a transaction? (Choose three.) A) after a CREATE statement is issued B) after a SELECT statement is issued C) after a ROLLBACK is issued D) after a SAVEPOINT is issued E) after a COMM…
70.(31-2)choose the best answer: View the Exhibit and examine the structure of the Book table. The BOOKS table contains details of 100 books. Examine the commands executed and their outcome: SQL>INSERT INTO books VALUES ('ADV112', 'Adventures of Tom…
69.(31-1)choose the best answer: Evaluate the following query: SELECT INTERVAL '300' MONTH, INTERVAL '54-2' YEAR TO MONTH, INTERVAL '11:12:10.1234567' HOUR TO SECOND FROM dual; What is the correct output of the above query? A) +25-00 , +00-650, +00 1…
38.Which three are true about the Automatic Database Diagnostic Monitor (ADDM)? A) Its findings are accessible only by using Oracle Enterprise Manager. B) It improves database performance by automatically implementing Oracle's best practices. C) It c…
链表:https://www.cnblogs.com/zhangwanying/p/9797184.html (共34题) 数组:https://www.cnblogs.com/zhangwanying/p/9610923.html (共139题) 树:https://www.cnblogs.com/zhangwanying/p/6753328.html (共94题) 哈希表:https://www.cnblogs.com/zhangwanying/p/9886262.html (共88题) D…
7084  迷宫问题 描述 定义一个二维数组: int maze[5][5] = { 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, }; 它表示一个迷宫,其中的1表示墙壁,0表示可以走的路,只能横着走或竖着走,不能斜着走,要求编程序找出从左上角到右下角的最短路线. 输入 一个5 × 5的二维数组,表示一个迷宫.数据保证有唯一解. 输出 左上角到右下角的最短路径,格式如样例所示. 样例输入 0…
这是悦乐书的第188次更新,第190篇原创 01 看题和准备 今天介绍的是LeetCode算法题中Easy级别的第47题(顺位题号是202).编写算法以确定数字是否"幸福". 幸福数字是由以下过程定义的数字:从任何正整数开始,将数字替换为其数字的平方和,并重复该过程,直到最后数字等于1.这个过程以1结尾的那些数字是幸福的数字.如果陷入无限循环则不是幸福数字.例如: 输入:19 输出:true 说明: 1x1 + 9x9 = 82 8x8 + 2x2 = 68 6x6 + 8x8 = 1…
题目:矩阵单词搜索 难度:Medium 题目内容: Given a 2D board and a word, find if the word exists in the grid. The word can be constructed from letters of sequentially adjacent cell, where "adjacent" cells are those horizontally or vertically neighboring. The same…
今日题目(对应书上第39~42题): 数组中出现次数超过一半的数字 最小的k个数(top k,重点!) 数据流中的中位数 连续子数组的最大和 今天的题目都比较经典,特别是第2题. 1. 数组中出现次数超过一半的数字 题目描述: 数组中有一个数字出现的次数超过数组长度的一半,请找出这个数字.例如输入一个长度为9的数组{1,2,3,2,2,2,5,4,2}.由于数字2在数组中出现了5次,超过数组长度的一半,因此输出2.如果不存在则输出0. 思路:有两种方法,一,利用类似于快排的思想,寻找数组中的中位…
目录 1.    为什么我们要刷LeetCode? 2.    LeetCode的现状和问题 3.    本文的初衷 4.    LeetCode刷题建议 4.1入门数据结构,打基础阶段 4.2 建立求职面试解题的思想,刷<剑指Offer> 4.3 系统性地开始刷LeetCode题目 1.  为什么我们要刷LeetCode? LeetCode是面向找IT工作开发岗/算法岗的基本题库,想去BAT等大厂,笔试和面试中的大部头都要考你的算法题的解题技巧和编码能力.然而,对于很多大一大二在校的本科同学…
   (目前发现一些文章被盗用的情况,我们将在每篇文章前面添加原文地址,本文源地址:http://www.cnblogs.com/idealer3d/p/Instant_RaphaelJS_Starter.html)       Raphael Javascript是一个 Javascript的矢量库.       它可以处理SVG.VML格式的矢量图,它使用SVG W3C推荐标准和VML作为创建图形的基础,你可以用Javascript 操作Dom 很容易的创建出复杂的柱状图.走势图.曲线图等各…
比赛排名 Time Limit:1000MS  Memory Limit:32768K Description: 欢迎参加浙江工业大学“亚信联创杯”程序设计大赛,本次竞赛采用与 ACM/ICPC 相同的排名规则.也就是说,首先按照在规定时间内,做出的题数进行排名.如果多支队伍解题数目相同,则根据总用时加入惩罚时间进行排名.总用时和惩罚时间由每道解答正确的试题的用时加上惩罚时间而成.每道试题用时将从竞赛开始到试题解答被判定为正确为止,其间每一次错误的运行将被加罚20分钟时间,未正确解答的试题不计时…
点击打开链接 Communication System Time Limit: 1000MS   Memory Limit: 10000K Total Submissions: 21007   Accepted: 7449 Description We have received an order from Pizoor Communications Inc. for a special communication system. The system consists of several d…
更新时间:2015-08-13         来源:网络         投诉删除 [看准网(Kanzhun.com)]笔试题目频道小编搜集的范文“2016最新Java笔试题集锦”,供大家阅读参考,查看更多相关笔试题目 ,请访问笔试题目频道. 今天为大家整理的是2014最新Java笔试题集锦,大家如果觉得有用的话,就收藏了吧! 1.MVC的各个部分都有那些技术来实现?如何实现? 答:MVC是Model-View-Controller的简写."Model" 代表的是应用的业务逻辑(通过…