代码如下 p.StartInfo = new System.Diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo(path, pwd); p.Start();其中path是个BAT的路径!我想要得到执行后的返回值来判断批处理运行期间是否错误?请问如何做呢?批处理程序内容如下:@echo offfor /f "delims=" %%a in (PCList.config) do net use \\%%a\ipc$ /deletefor /f "delims="…
转自:http://blog.csdn.net/lanmanck/article/details/8638391 上传源码时最好把空格行去掉,以前介绍了使用notepad++,现在发现,习惯用source insight的人士也可以很easy的去掉了: Options->Perferences->Files-> Remove extra white space when saving.保存时自动去除每行尾部的空格和tab. 以下是另一个兄弟的心得: http://blog.csdn.ne…
Member name Description Compiled Specifies that the regular expression is compiled to an assembly. This yields faster execution but increases startup time. This value should not be assigned to the Options property when calling the CompileToAssemb…
 Engineer in the White Spaces Michael Nygard A SySTEM ConSiSTS oF inTERdEpEndEnT pRogRAMS. We call the arrangement of these programs and their relationships architecture. When we diagram these systems, we often represent individual programs or serve…
最近在学习servlet的一些实现细节,阅读了Cookie的源码. Cookie本质上是服务器发送给客户端(主要是浏览器)的一个会话临时数据. 其源码注释文档的说明: Creates a cookie, a small amount of information sent by a servlet to a Web browser, saved by the browser, and later sent back to the server. A cookie's value can uniq…
这个系列是,基础学习系列的最后一部分,这里,我打算翻译一篇国外的技术文章结束这个基础部分的学习:后面打算继续写深入学习MVC系列的文章,之所以要写博客,我个人觉得,做技术的,首先得要懂得分享,说不定你自己以为正确的东西,存在瑕疵,分享出来,大家也可以互相进步.这样整个生态圈也会越来越好.不是么? 好了,闲话扯远了,下面开始正题吧,一下是英文和中文对照,翻译的不好,请见谅. This article introduces how to improve ASP.NET MVC Applicati…
一.数据库 /*==============================================================*/ /* DBMS name: Microsoft SQL Server 2000 */ /*==============================================================*/ if exists (select 1 from sy…