Lab 4 System Services Goal: Develop skills using system administration tools and setting up and administering CUPS. Estimated Duration: 30 Sequence 1: Using cron Scenario: You want to know some information about the status of the system every ten min…
Lab 11 System Rescue and Troubleshooting Goal: To build skills in system rescue procedures. Estimated Duration: 2 hours Lab Setup: When using rescue mode on a Xen enabled system, you may be prompted to select which root partition to mount. If you are…
Lab 2 System Resource Access Controls Goal: To become familiar with system resource access controls. Sequence 1: Controlling access to certain hosts Scenario: For security reasons, you have chosen to restrict your system so that it allows interactive…
Lab 1 System Monitoring Goal: To build skills to better assess system resources, performance and security. Sequence 1: Inspecting your system Scenario: You are assigned responsibility for this system. You must learn how it isconfigured. Deliverable:…
Lab 1 Managing Startup Goal: To familiarize yourself with the startup process System Setup: A system installed with Red Hat Enterprise Linux Sequence 1: Changing the default run level Deliverable: A system that boots to runlevel 3 by default. Instruc…
Lab 2 Working with packages Goal: To gain working experience with package management System Setup: A working install of Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 connected to the classroom network Situation: You have been asked to connect a system to your company's…
Lab 5 User and Group Administration Goal: To build skills for user and group administration. Estimated Duration: 45 Minutes Lab Setup: Instructor: Start ypserv. Situation: You need to setup groups and accounts for several users in your company. Each…
Lab 3 Configuring the kernel Goal: Develop skills tuning the /proc filesystem. Gain some experience working with device special files and modules. Use the tools available to explore hardware resources. Estimated Duration: 45 minutes Sequence 1: Turni…
Lab 6 Adding New Filesystems to the Filesystem Tree Goal: Develop skills and knowlege related to partitioning and filesystems Estimated Duration: 60 minutes Sequence 1: Creating and Mounting Filesystems Instructions: 1. Use fdisk -l to locate informa…
Lab 9 Installation and System-Initialization Goal: Successfully install Red Hat Enterprise Linux. System Setup: A computer capable of booting from CD. Warning: If your system cannot boot from the provided boot.iso CD, you might need to change the boo…
Lab 8 Manage Network Settings Goal: To build skills needed to manually configure networking Estimated Duration: 45 minutes System Setup: A Red Hat Enterprise Linux System using DHCP networking Lab Setup: Disable the DHCP service on server1. Sequence…
Lab 7 Advanced Filesystem Mangement Goal: Develop skills and knowlege related to Software RAID, LVM, quota and backup. Estimated Duration: 120 minutes Sequence 1: Implementing Quotas Deliverable: A user diskhog that cannot use more than 1024k of spac…
Lab 10 Exploring Virtualization Goal: To explore the Xen virtualization environment and the creation of a Domain-U virtual machine. Sequence 1: Installing the Xen Virtualization Environment Deliverable: A Red Hat Enterprise Linux system running the X…
Goal: Practice using a variety of tools to transfer files between your system and a remote system. System Setup: A working, installed Red Hat Enterprise Linux system with an unprivileged user account named student with a password of student. Lab Setu…
Lab 4 The Domain Name System Goal: To install and configure a DNS server System Setup: Throughout this and subsequent labs, you will configure your system with various services. For each of these leave SELinux and the firewall enabled, and add the po…
Lab 6 Implementing Web(HTTP) Services Goal: To implement a Web(HTTP) server with a virtual host and CGI capability. System Setup: Throughout this lab, the hostnames and domain names that you use will be based upon the IP address of your machine. Any…
Lab 5 Network File Sharing Services Goal: Share file or printer resources with FTP, NFS and Samba Sequence 1: Implementing File Transport Protocol(FTP) Services Deliverable: A working FTP server accessible to hosts and users. An available, but "invis…
Lab 17 Installation and Administration Tools Goal: Become familiar with system configuration tools and successfully install Red Hat Enterprise Linux Lab Setup: Ensure that a server1 repository is available. Provide students with boot.iso disk. Warnin…
Lab 3 Securing Networking Goal: To build skills with the Netfilter packet filter Sequence 1: Applying simple packet filtering to a host Scenario: A host (stationX) requires protection by packet filtering. This host has only one network interface, so…
Lab 3 Getting Help with Commands Sequence 1: Using the Help Tools 1. man -f keyword whatis keyword list all man pages. 2. man -k keyword list all manual pages. 3. man -K keyword will be asked whether or not you would like to read it. 4. man 3 basenam…
Lab 4 Browsing the Filesystem Sequence 1: Directory and File Organization 1. Log in as user student with the password student. 2. [student@stationX ~]$ pwd/home/student 3. ls    ls -a    ls -al-a option includes files whose names begin with a period…
Lab 7 Standard I/O and Pipes 1. [student@stationX ~]$ cat /proc/cpuinfo /proc/meminfo 2. [student@stationX ~]$ cat /proc/cpuinfo /proc/meminfo | less 3. [student@stationX ~]$ cat /proc/cpuinfo /proc/meminfo | mail -s "System Stats for $(hostname)&quo…
Lab 11 Process Control Sequence 1: Job Control 1. [student@stationX ~]$ su - 2. Begin some jobs in the background:[root@stationX ~]# tail -n0 -f /var/log/messages &[root@stationX ~]# updatedb & 3. [root@stationX ~]# service syslog restart 4. [root…
Lab 16 The Linux Filesystem Goal: Develop a better understanding of Linux filesystem essentials including: the creation and use of links, using locate and find, and archiving and compressing files. System Setup: A working, installed Red Hat Enterpris…
Lab 15 Switching Users and Setting a Umask Goal: Become familiar with the use of several essential commands in useridentification and account switching. System Setup: A working, installed Red Hat Enterprise Linux system with an unprivilegeduser accou…
Lab 7 Electronic Mail Goal: To build common skills with MTA configuration Estimated Duration: 90 minutes System Setup: Ensure that SELinux and packet filtering are enabled. If you feel confident, then try to complete the lab based only on the specifi…
Lab 9 Account Management Methods Goal: To build skills with PAM configuration Sequence 1: Track Failed Login Attempts Scenario: As system administrator you have decided to keep track of failed login attempts. You would like to record how many times u…
Lab 8 Securing Data Goal: Gain familiarity with encryption utilities Sequence 1: Using SSH keys with no passphrase Scenario: alice and bob are users on possibly different stations who would like to establish account equivalency. In other words, alice…
System 1)arraycopy int[] a = {}; int[] b = new int[5]; System.arraycopy(a,1,b,3,2); //把数组a中从下标1开始的元素复制到数组b中下标为3的位置,总共复制2个元素 2)currentTimeMillis long l = System.currentTimeMillis(); //返回当前时间与1970年01月01日0时0分0秒的差值数(毫秒) 3)gc:请求系统进行垃圾回收 4)public st…
1. 概述 三种类型的System V IPC:System V 消息队列.System V 信号量.System V 共享内存区 System V IPC在访问它们的函数和内核为它们维护的信息上共享许多类似点.本章讲述所有这些共同属性. 下图汇总了所有System V IPC 函数 2. key_t键.ftok函数 头文件sys/types.h把数据类型key_t定义为一个整数,通常是一个至少32位的整数 #include <sys/ipc.h> key_t ftok (const char…