Here is the way you get value from an object: var obj = { color: "blue" } console.log(obj.color); //blue Destructuring Assignment: Object Destructuring Assignment is somehow different: var {color} = { color: "green" } console.log(color…
Not only can you provide default values when using ES6 parameter object destructuring, but you can also require the presence of certain properties. function ajax({ type = "get", url = requiredParameter("url"), data = {}, success = requ…
[destructuring assignment] The destructuring assignment syntax is a JavaScript expression that makes it possible to extract data from arrays or objects into distinct variables. A variable can be assigned a default, in the case that the value pulled f…
Destructuring Assignment In JavaScript 更省事,代码显得也清楚. Arrays 传统的声明赋值: let johnDoe = ["John", "Doe", "Iskolo"] let firstName = johnDoe[0] let lastName = johnDoe[1] let title = johnDoe[2] 现代声明和赋值使用:拆解JS中的分配(赋值) let johnDoe = [&qu…
ES6 Destructuring Assignment All In One ES6 & Destructuring Assignment Axios, vue https://jav…