今天在脚本服务器上拉取代码,突然发现拉不了代码了,提示: GitLab: Your account has been blocked. fatal: Could not read from remote repository. 原因是当时在Linux 上代码拉取,使用的是前同事的账号配置的,这几天他离职了,导致我使用他的账号信息拉取代码失败. 在网上找了一堆解决方案,都解决不了我的问题,反而引入了新的问题,一团糟糕. 然后我就想,我就用最原始的方式,给这台服务器配上我自己账号的拉代码权限不就行了…
关于 Git 使用中出现的错误 饥人谷_楠柒 关注 2016.11.02 15:33* 字数 746 阅读 3607评论 5喜欢 10赞赏 1 关于错误:ssh: Could not resolve hostname github.com: Name or service not known.fatal: Could not read from remote repository. QQ截图20161102144048.jpg 在我配置完公钥后想要进行远端Github上clone时出现了错误…
Cloning into 'door_lock_bsp'... git@'s password: fatal: 'door_lock/door_lock_bsp.git' does not appear to be a git repository fatal: Could not read from remote repository. Please make sure you have the correct access rights and the reposit…
使用git 出现 Your account has been blocked 无法从远程pull代码下来, 解决方案如下: $ git push origin masterGitLab: Your account has been blocked.fatal: Could not read from remote repository. git 提交时出现以上问题,只用重新设置下远程url即可 $ git remote set-url origin git@yourhost.com:org/pr…
最近入了nodejs的坑,作为老码农,js对我来说还是很容易的.webstorm虽说用得不多,但是pycharms我是老手了,idea的东西一脉相承,想想也就那样了. 但是自从看了某个视频后,觉得毕竟老外就是牛啊. 先发视频"WebStorm - MEAN Stack Walkthrough and Tips",地址:http://www.tudou.com/programs/view/txhBUA7fcNA/?resourceId=0_06_02_99 另外有一个视频也值得推荐看看:…