April 19 2017 Week 16 Wednesday】的更多相关文章

What would life be if we had no courage to attempt anything? 如果我们都没有勇气去尝试点什么,生活会变成什么样子呢? I remembered that day I failed to attain my hope once again, or it could be deemed just as daydream, and I was frustrated, I wrote in my diary that sometimes onl…
We read the world wrong and say that it deceives us. 我们把世界看错了,反而说它欺骗了我们. It is not a cakewalk to see the world clearly and read it in the right way. Sometimes we didn't attain the things we expected, we might complain that the world deceived us. Why…
Fear is an essential part of our survival, it keeps us alert. 恐惧是生存的重要部分,它让我们保持警惕. Fear and pain are both the essential part of our survival. If a child can't feel pain, then his or her life would be full of danger, as we know in many stories, one ca…
Courage is like a muscle. We strengthen it with use. 勇气就像肌肉,越使用越强大. Most often it is true, but sometimes you may be exhausted and the muscle would atrophy due to your overuse. Even if the muscle won't atrophy, that is the worst situation, you might g…
We are all in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars. 我们都生活在阴沟里,但仍有人仰望星空. In the past most of us had learned in our historical textbooks that history is created by the public, not just by those elites. But as we gradually grew up, we hav…
Every light has darkness to balance it out. 有光明的地方,必定有黑暗予以平衡. I strive to get a balance between life and work. But it seems my efforts were just futile and I failed in both. I originally believed that although there were full of darkness in my life,…
You will find that it is necessary to let things go; simply for the reason that they are heavy. 你会明白,放手是必要的:原因很简单,它们太过沉重. Just let it go. Sometimes you need to make it clear that you can't do nothing to compensate for the past. Be brave to let the pa…
Genius often betrays itself into great errors. 天才常被天才误. Genius can help us get greater achievements, and it can result in great errors as well. Whether it is helpful or harmful, depends on the purposes of those genius. To borrow from the Spiderman, w…
Today is a perfect day to start living your dream. 实现梦想,莫如当下. Miracles may happen every day. If you choose to live your dream and strive for it, then it may be a perfect day. Sometimes, we feel we have tried our best but we still failed, yes, man pro…
选择 License server (2017.3.16更新) http://idea.imsxm.com/ 详细请参考:  http://www.cnblogs.com/ys-wuhan/p/5840305.html…
不多说,直接上干货! timereplace.java package zhouls.bigdata.DataFeatureSelection.util; /* * 这个程序,是用来做补充的 */ public class timereplace { public static void main(String[] args) { String rawtime = "2017-01-16 22:28:26.0"; String rawtime1 = rawtime.replaceAll…
原博客地址:http://jinnianshilongnian.iteye.com/blog/2018398 根据下载的pdf学习. 开涛shiro教程-第十七章-OAuth2集成 1.OAuth2介绍 (1)应用场景 很多开放平台,比如新浪微博开放平台,都在使用开发API接口供开发者使用.即带来了,第三方应用要到开放平台授权的问题.OAuth就是做这个的. OAuth2官网:http://oauth.net/2/ OAuth2协议:http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6…
2017.1.16[初中部 ]普及组模拟赛C组 这次总结我赶时间,不写这么详细了. 话说这次比赛,我虽然翻了个大车,但一天之内AK,我感到很高兴 比赛 0+15+0+100=115 改题 AK 一.chicken 好难啊!好简单啊! 题目简化 求输入的几对x,y中最小的x/y*1000 比赛思路 难!难!难!这什么意思啊? 比赛过程 算几下不知何意,跳过之 错因 不懂题目意思,语文差 正解 扫一遍,包括第一个,取最小的. 二.match 好简单,好难,好繁杂 题目简化 往九宫格内填字母,得出六个…
Happiness is a way station between too much and too little. 幸福就是刚刚好. I don't want to talk about it any more. Maybe I am the one who was cursed by the Heaven or by the God, because there was no happiness or luckiness in return for my positive and usef…
题意:让你构造一个n个点的简单多边形,使得所有点是整点,并且所有边长是整数,并且没有边平行于坐标轴. 就利用勾股数,如下图这样构造即可,n为偶数时,只需矩形拼成,n为奇数时,封上虚线边即可. #include<cstdio> using namespace std; struct Point{ int x,y; Point(const int &x,const int &y){ this->x=x; this->y=y; } Point(){} }p[1005];…
Every man is a poet when he is in love. 每个恋爱中的人都是诗人. It is said this saying was from Plato, the famous ancient philosopher. Notice that when you are dating with a girl, the romantic process may involve flowers, chocolate, sweet words and surprising g…
Much effort, much prosperity. 越努力,越幸运. I have ever seen this sentence in many people's signature of their social media applications, like WeChat, Tecent QQ, and so on. I ever thought that may be true, if you make much more efforts, you would be able…
1.当天站立式会议照片 本次会议在5号公寓3楼召开,本次会议内容:①:熟悉每个人想做的模块.②:根据老师的要求将项目划分成一系列小任务.③:在上次会议内容完成的基础上增加新的任务. 2.每个人的工作 经过会议讨论后确定了每个人的分工 组员 任务 陈福鹏 实现登录注册和首页的整合(包括改版后的数据库字段) 林栋 JAVA后台完成四则运算难度出题(包括   简单.中等.复杂难度) 雍斌凡 登录注册界面优化 白至幸  完成答题界面实现(将原有Struct2 的后台control层改为  servlet…
In every triumph, there's a lot of try. 每个胜利背后都有许多尝试. There's a lot of try behind every success, and there's as well a lot of try behind some failure. And the later will be much more disappointed, but the usual condition is that I failed once, then I…
原博客地址:http://jinnianshilongnian.iteye.com/blog/2018398 根据下载的pdf学习. 开涛shiro教程-第十七章-OAuth2集成 3.客户端 客户端流程可以参照如很多网站的新浪微博登录功能,或其他的第三方帐号登录功能. 客户端进行登录操作 跳到oauth2服务端,进行登录授权.成功后,服务端返回auth code. 客户端使用auth code去服务器换取access token. 客户端根据access token得到用户信息,进行客户端的登…
我等蒟蒻爆零之后,问LincHpin大爷:“此等神题可有甚么来头?” LincHpin:“此三题皆为当年ZXR前辈所留.” 固名之,ZXR专场,233~~~ T1 勤奋的YouSiki 这个题在BZOJ和HDU上都有身影,一样不一样的吧,反正意思差不多,想法也很相近. 首先就是发现mex函数的一个性质——当左端点固定时,函数值随右端点单调,即$mex(i,j) \leq mex(i,j+1)$. 然后,我们这么做:先$O(N)$求出以1位左端点,右端点分别为$i=1..n$的mex函数值,然后不…
第一次会议:2017-11-16 大家的任务完成的不错^_^,继续努力了. 上图: 忘记照了,额....... 会议主要内容: 1.登录功能的讨论 2. 代码统一 具体分工: 成员 计划任务 遇见难题 贡献比 李勇(组长) 登录UI界面 无 1 何忠鹏 登录代码实现 无 1 黄进勇 数据库表实现 无 1 吴桂元 注册UI界面 无 1 郑希彬 注册代码实现 无 1 燃尽图:…
前提:已经装好hadoop2.7.3 单机版本: export PIG_HOME=/usr/local/pig    export PATH=$PATH:$PIG_HOME/bin 运行:pig -x local hadoop版本系统配置: export PIG_CLASSPATH=/usr/local/hadoop/etc/hadoop pig 或   pig -x mapreduce…
1.先导入jquery的包 2.ajax的写法跟注意点 返回一个list的写法 代码拼接写法: html层: 2.script处 4:在你前面传递参数的时候没有遇到乱码问题的情况下,你使用json并且用post提交的情况下 你需要注意一点 就是没有在加上springmvc-servlet.xml加上JSON格式的配置 (他人配置) (自己项目配置) 这样就可以处理json用post传递到后台乱码的问题…
Of all the tribulations in this world, boredom is the one most hard to bear. 所有的苦难中,无聊是最难以忍受的. When you feel bored, you may fail to focus on things you desire and you will easily get tired. Because boredom often stimulates a form of anxiety and stres…
Keep your face to the sunshine and you cannot see the shadow. 始终面朝阳光,我们就不会看到黑暗. I love sunshine, but if it is shrouded in darkness, I still can keep moving forward in fear instead of just fearing. Life can never avoid disappointments and sadness, som…
People always want to lead an active life, and is not it? 人们总要乐观生活,不是吗? Be active, and walk towards things you want to touch. Even if it is far away from the current position we are in, if we can keep moving toward it, we will get closer and closer t…
Perseverance is not a long race; it is many short races one after another. 坚持不是一个长跑,她是很多一个接一个的短跑. Today I want to compile the tangram-es library for my system and try to run its examples. After working on the compilation for just thirty minutes, I fi…
Only someone who is well-prepared has the opportunity to improvise. 只有准备充分的人才能够尽兴表演. From the first day I joined this department, I found to be qualified for the job requires kinds of abilities that I hadn't had yet, for example, the ability to effec…