Kamol Kaemarungsi and Prashant Krishnamurthy Telecommunications Program School of Information Science. University of Pittsburgh 135 N. Bellefield Avenue, Pittsburgh. Pennsylvani Given a set of system parameters and radio propagation characteristics.…
背景 惨痛的背景,正如我前面提到的,参加了公司的一个训练营.刚进来公司的新人,内心充满着对未来的美好憧憬,期待自己能闯出属于自己的天地.更何况,作为一名程序员,无比的希望所有人对自己写得代码或者App都有膜拜式的认可.However,这些期待,都在这次训练营中破灭了,迎接我的,就是答辩嘉宾的不耐烦,和呵呵一笑···痛定思痛吧,总需要对自己做的不足进行反思的······吧啦吧啦,前面说了一堆垃圾,因为我们训练营做的是一个实时地理信息分享这么一个主题的Demo,面试官当场就问了我,这个“技术人员”一…
Task: Indoor Positioning with WiFi SignalsYou are hired by a company to design an indoor localization system using WiFi data. Thescenario has five locations as depicted below.Figure 1: Localization scenarioThere are three WiFi access points in the ar…
https://juejin.im/post/5a5728436fb9a01c982c7d93 http://www.cnblogs.com/panhe-xue/p/5902108.html---browse location…
Need: With the ever-growth large-scale video in the mobile phone, so what will everyone get from these video? There are many videos contain something very interesting like a short comedy video. So if someone find something interesting in the video an…
原文:<Advanced Location-Based Technologies and Services>--chapter 2 WiFi Location Fingerprint 作者: Prashant Krishnamurthy [TOC] 摘要 GPS难以解决室内环境下的一些定位问题,大部分室内环境下都存在WiFi,因此利用WiFi进行定位无需额外部署硬件设备,是一个非常节省成本的方法.然而WiFi并不是专门为定位而设计的,传统的基于时间和角度的定位方法并不适用于WiFi.近十年来,…
Vision-Based Positioning for Internet-of-Vehicles Introduction Ego-positioning aims at locating an object in a global coordinate system based on its sensor inputs. With the growth of mobile or wearable devices, accurate positioning has be- come incre…
https://www.gpsworld.com/resources/archives/ Going 3D Personal Nav and LBS To enrich user experience of location-based services  and personal navigation, three-dimensional models such as those used in urban planning are added to a smartphone platform…
This article come from HEREARS-L1: Learning Tuesday 10:30–12:30; Oral Session; Room: Leonard de Vinci 10:30  ARS-L1.1—GROUP STRUCTURED DIRTY DICTIONARY LEARNING FOR CLASSIFICATION Yuanming Suo, Minh Dao, Trac Tran, Johns Hopkins University, USA; Hojj…
Disposable microfluidic devices: fabrication, function, and application Gina S. Fiorini and Daniel T. Chiu BioTechniques 38:429-446 (March 2005) This review article describes recent developments in microfluidics, with special emphasis on disposable p…
This application discloses methods for creating self-organizing networks implemented on heterogeneous mesh networks. The self-organizing networks can include a computing cloud component coupled to the heterogeneous mesh network. In the methods and co…
1. Verification and Certification of Neural Networks神经网络的验证与认证 2. Automated Analysis of Marine Video for Environmental Monitoring海洋环境监测视频的自动分析 3. Understanding Subjective Attributes of Data: Focus on Fashion and Subjective Search理解数据的主观属性:关注时尚和主观搜索 4…
Mirror of Apple’s iOS samples This repository mirrors Apple’s iOS samples. Name Topic Framework Description ABUIGroups Data Management(Contact Data) AddressBook ABUIGroups shows how to check and request access to a user’s address book database. It al…
Conferences ACM SEACM Southeast Regional Conference ACM Southeast Regional Conference the oldest, continuously running, annual conference of the ACM. ACMSE provides an excellent forum for both faculty and students to present their research in a frien…
Monocular Visual-Inertial Odometry:https://www.qualcomm.com/invention/research 单目视觉-惯性里程计 INDOOR POSITIONING BY VISUAL-INERTIAL ODOMETRY:Link vio(visual inertial odometry) in mobile phone in github: inertial navigation system:惯性导航系统 开源软件 手机惯导系统 Visua…
| Main | Site Index | Download | mimetic A free/GPL C++ MIME Library mimetic is a free/GPL Email library (MIME) written in C++ designed to be easy to use and integrate but yet fast and efficient. It is based on the C++ standard library and heavily us…
A Multi-Sensorial Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (SLAM) System for Low-Cost Micro Aerial Vehicles in GPS-Denied Environments 一种在无GPS环境中设计的面向低价微型飞行器的多传感器同步定位成图系统 学术编辑:Gonzalo Pajares Martinsanz收到:2017年1月25日:接受:2017年4月5日:发布时间:4月8日201 Abstract: O…
An apparatus comprising a plurality of storage nodes comprising a plurality of corresponding storage disks and configured to store data in a distributed manner between the storage disks that achieves a Redundant Array of Independent Disks-0 (RAID0) l…
In one embodiment, a local node in a communication network determines a set of its neighbor nodes, and determines a respective occurrence frequency at which each particular neighbor node is to be probed based on a rate of change in distance between t…
Pushing state-of-the-art in 3D content understanding 2019-10-31 06:34:08 This blog is copied from: https://ai.facebook.com/blog/pushing-state-of-the-art-in-3d-content-understanding/ In order to interpret the world around us, AI systems must understan…
2.21-(2.7论文引出)傅里叶对开关磁通电机建模 Modeling of Flux Switching Permanent Magnet Machines With Fourier Analysis     1.介绍了FSPM电机,磁路计算法MEC(计算粗糙,磁通路径在旋转或改变几何参数时发生变化),提出了傅里叶分解建立电机模型的办法,通过空间映射进行电机设计方案的优化.     2.分析假想条件:铁心磁导率无限大.软磁材料边界采用诺伊曼边界条件.轴向长度无限制(不考虑端部效应,采用二维极坐…
From: https://liudongdong1.github.io/ UWB超宽带定位技术属于无线定位技术的一种.无线定位技术是指用来判定移动用户位置的测量方法和计算方法,即定位算法.目前最常用的定位技术主要有:时差定位技术.信号到达角度测量(AOA)技术.到达时间定位(TOA)和到达时间差定位(TDOA)等.其中,TDOA技术是目前最为流行的一种方案,UWB超宽带定位采用的也是这种技术.下面以国内UWB定位解决方案供应商恒高科技为例,为大家详细介绍UWB超宽带定位. 0. 背景 0.1…
Introduction The RPM Package Manager (RPM) is an open packaging system that runs on Fedora as well as other Linux and UNIX systems. Red Hat and the Fedora Project encourage other vendors to use RPM for their own products. RPM is distributed under the…
最近在Linux环境下做C语言项目,由于是在一个原有项目基础之上进行二次开发,而且 项目工程庞大复杂,出现了不少问题,其中遇到最多.花费时间最长的问题就是著名的“段错误”(Segmentation Fault).借此机会系统学习了一下,这里对Linux环境下的段错误做个小结,方便以后同类问题的排查与解决. 1. 段错误是什么 一句话来说,段错误是指访问的内存超出了系统给这个程序所设定的内存空间,例如访问了不存在的内存地址.访问了系统保护的内存地址.访问了只读的内存地址等等情况.这里贴一个对于“段…
转载自http://www.cnblogs.com/panfeng412/archive/2011/11/06/2237857.html 最近在Linux环境下做C语言项目,由于是在一个原有项目基础之上进行二次开发,而且项目工程庞大复杂,出现了不少问题,其中遇到最多.花费时间 最长的问题就是著名的“段错误”(Segmentation Fault).借此机会系统学习了一下,这里对Linux环境下的段错误做个小结,方便以后同类问题的排查与解决. 1. 段错误是什么 一句话来说,段错误是指访问的内存超…
Linux开发中常见段错误问题原因分析 1 使用非法的内存地址(指针),包括使用未经初始化及已经释放的指针.不存在的地址.受系统保护的地址,只读的地址等,这一类也是最常见和最好解决的段错误问题,使用GDB print一下即可知道原因. 2 内存读/写越界.包括数组访问越界,或在使用一些写内存的函数时,长度指定不正确或者这些函数本身不能指定长度,典型的函数有strcpy(strncpy),sprintf(snprint)等等. 3 对于C++对象,应该通过相应类的接口来去内存进行操作,禁止通过其返…
The GUI Toolkit, Framework Page User interfaces occupy an important part of software development. This page provides a comprehensive reference on toolkits for building graphical user interfaces (GUIs), with emphasis on resources for Free Software (Op…
(声明:Alberl以后说到开源库,一般都是指著名的.或者不著名但维护至少3年以上的.那些把代码一扔就没下文的,Alberl不称之为开源库,只称为开源代码.这里并不是贬低,像Alberl前面那个系列的教程<2013 duilib入门简明教程>,还有本系列教程,还有前面介绍的CodeProject,基本上都是代码往上面一扔,就不用再怎么维护的.这些都称之为开源代码,其实开源代码对新手的帮助更大,因为很简明的说明了代码用法~O(∩_∩)O~)       前面两个教程已经对制作界面的几种方式进行了…
在 Linux环境下做C语言项目,由于是在一个原有项目基础之上进行二次开发,而且项目工程庞大复杂,出现了不少问题,其中遇到最多.花费时间最长的问题就是著名的“段错误”(Segmentation Fault).借此机会系统学习了一下,这里对 Linux环境下的段错误做个小结,方便以后同类问题的排查与解决. 1. 段错误是什么 一句话来说,段错误是指访问的内存超出了系统给这个程序所设定的内存空间,例如访问了不存在的内存地址.访问了系统保护的内存地址.访问了只读的内存地址等等情况.这里贴一个对于“段错…
COMP9334 Project, Term 1, 2019:Fog/cloud ComputingVersion 1.0Due Date: 11:00pm Friday 26 April 2019.This version: 20 March 2019Updates to the project, including any corrections and clarifications, will be posted on thesubject website. Make sure that…