systemverilog FAQ(zz)】的更多相关文章

1. What is clocking block? Ans: Clocking block can be declared using the keywords clocking and endclocking. A clocking block is mainly used in the testbench in order to         avoid race conditions. Clocking blocks are used to assemble all the signa…
comp.lang.javascript FAQ Version 32.2, Updated 2010-10-08, by Garrett Smith FAQ Notes 1 Meta-FAQ meta-questions 1.1 Which newsgroups deal with javascript? 1.2 What questions are on-topic for comp.lang.javascript? 1.3 What should I do before posting t…
1. Why do you write a program in Perl? Ans : Easy to use and fast execution since perl script undergoes only two phases like compile phase and run phase. 2. What is the difference between chop & chomp functions in perl? Ans : Chop removes last charac…
1. What is the race condition in verilog? Ans :The situation when two expressions are allowed to execute at same instance of time without mentioning the order of execution. 2. List the levels of abstraction in verilog? Ans : 1. Behavioral level 2. Re…
1.Which is the command used to find the available shells in your Operating System Linux ? Ans : $echo $shell 2.Which is the command used to view the environment variables? Ans: printenv 3. How do you recall last command from the history list in Cshel…
It seems my pgpool-II does not do load balancing. Why? First of all, pgpool-II' load balancing is "session base", not "statement base". That means, DB node selection for load balancing is decided at the beginning of session. So all SQL…
Google软件构建工具Bazel FAQ 本文是我的翻译,原文在这里.欢迎转载,转载请注名本文作者和原始链接 注:如果想了解Bazel的原理,可以看看我之前翻译的Google Blaze原理及使用方法介绍系列 Bazel是什么? Bazel是一个构建工具,即一个可以运行编译和测试来组装软件的工具,跟Make.Ant.Gradle.Buck.Pants和Maven一样. Bazel有什么特殊之处 Bazel是设计用来配合Google的软件开发模式.有以下几个特点: 多语言支持:Bazel支持Ja…
本文出处: What is a domain? The field for which a system is built. Airport management, insurance sales, coffee shops, orbital flight, you name it. It's not unusual for an application to span several different domains. For example, a…
我从接触ddd到学习cqrs有6年多了, 其中也遇到了不少疑问, 也向很多的前辈牛人请教得到了很多宝贵的意见和建议. 偶尔的机会看到国外有个站点专门罗列了ddd, cqrs和事件溯源的常见问题. 其中很多也是我一路过来都曾遇到过的. 这是原站地址 在ENODE群中不少新学习cqrs的朋友都会遇到一些类似的入门问题, 作为群管理员的我也想为群里朋友做点贡献, 所以有了翻译一下CQRS FAQ的念头, 并加入一些自己的理解, 希望对大家会有所帮助. PS…
FP树构造 FP Growth算法利用了巧妙的数据结构,大大降低了Aproir挖掘算法的代价,他不需要不断得生成候选项目队列和不断得扫描整个数据库进行比对.为了达到这样的效果,它采用了一种简洁的数据结构,叫做frequent-pattern tree(频繁模式树).下面就详细谈谈如何构造这个树,举例是最好的方法.请看下面这个例子: 这张表描述了一张商品交易清单,abcdefg代表商品,(ordered)frequent items这一列是把商品按照降序重新进行了排列,这个排序很重要,我们操作的所…