Administering your Windows Azure AD tenant 19 out of 20 rated this helpful - Rate this topic Published: April 16, 2012 Updated: June 3, 2013 Applies To: Office 365, Windows Azure, Windows Intune Note This topic provides online help content for cloud…
Developing Multi-Tenant Web Applications with Windows Azure AD 2 out of 3 rated this helpful - Rate this topic This document will explain how to use Windows Azure Active Directory to add to one .NET application’s single sign-on and directory access c…
quarkspwdump作者介绍的用法: 1. Windows 2008 Microsoft recently implements VSS (Volume Shadow Copy Service) which allow an administrator to make filesystem snapshots while the operating is running and writing to current backuped files. Here is…
简单网络管理协议SNMP服务起着代理的作用,它会收集可以向SNMP管理站或控制台报告的信息.您可以使用SNMP服务来收集数据,并且在整个公司网络范围内管理基于Windows Server 2003.Microsoft Windows XP和Microsoft Windows 2000的计算机. 通常,保护SNMP代理与SNMP管理站之间的通信的方法是:给这些代理和管理站指定一个共享的社区名称.当SNMP管理站向SNMP服务发送查询时,请求方的社区名称就会与代理的社区名称进行比较.如果匹配,则表明…
Windows 2003]利用域&&组策略自动部署软件 转自 ===================================================================================可以利用 Active Directory 的组策略功能来为公司的计算机部署软件.在规模比较大的网络环境里面,为了降低我们系统管理逐台给每个客户端去安装…
dnsmasq If you've been struggling with Samba3 domain controllers and NT4 style domains working with Windows7 (or Vista) you are not alone. Various work arounds and hacks exist for the 3.3, 3.4, 3.5 and 3.6 series of Samba to make this go. Our experie…
Windows 2003 IIS+PHP5.4.3 安装教程 一.准备相关组件 安装前,先安装IIS. 1.安装FastCgi for IIS6 Fastcgi官方网址是: Fastcgi 1.5 for IIS6 32位: 1.5 for IIS6 64位:…
Adding Sign-On to Your Web Application Using Windows Azure AD 14 out of 19 rated this helpful - Rate this topic This document will show you how to configure a .NET application to perform web single sign-on against your Windows Azure AD enterprise dir…
在系统启动时,Windows Vista 中. 在 Windows 7 中,Windows Server 2008 中和在 Windows Server 2008 R2 中的 497 天后未关闭 TIME_WAIT 状态的所有 TCP/IP 端口 症状 在计算机上运行的 Windows Vista,Windows 7,Windows Server 2008 中,还是 Windows Server 2008…
安装环境::[注意:本教程newauth要用不加密的版本] windows 2003 enterprise server 100用户license Microsoft sql server 2000 +sp3 100用户license LineageII Server 简体中文版(177.980M)[没有用任何的工具减少内容] 在这之前请先确认你从来没有运行过服务器端的应用程序,如果运行了,请运行regedit删除 [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\NCSOFT] [HK…