
例如,查看ldo6 /sys/devices/soc.0/qcom,rpm-smd.35/rpm-regulator-ldoa6.85/regulator-l6.110/regulator/regulator.14 有以下文件: 1a98000.qcom,mdss_dsi-vddio1a98300.qcom,mdss_dsi_pll-vddio5-0048-vcc_i2cdevicehall_switch.70-viohenu_ddev.69-ldo6max_microvoltsmicrovol…
电源管理芯片可以为多设备供电,且这些设备电压电流有所同.为这些设备提供的稳压器代码模型即为regulator. 下面通过下面三个过程分析regulartor供电机制: 1.分析regulator结构体 2.regulator 注册过程 3.设备使用regulator过程 一.分析regulator结构体 Regulator模块用于控制系统中某些设备的电压/电流供应.在嵌入式系统(尤其是手机)中,控制耗电量很重要,直接影响到电池的续航时间.所以,如果系统中某一个模块暂时不需要使用,就可以通过reg…
电源引入的物种 (百度百科)LDO这是low dropout regulator,这意味着低压差线性稳压器.它相比于传统的线性调节器.传统的线性稳压器.例如78xx系列芯片需要输入电压比输出电压高2v~3V以上,否则就不能正常工作. 可是在一些情况下.这种条件显然是太苛刻了.如5v转3.3v,输入与输出的压差仅仅有1.7v,显然是不满足条件的.针对这种情况,才有了LDO类的电源转换芯片.Ldo适合电压要求比較稳,可是功率不是非常大的设备. BUCK电路,降压式变换电路.就是一种DC-DC转换器,…
文献编号:19Mar - 11 2019年04月23日三读,会其精髓: 相信这种方法的话,那么它的精髓是什么,如何整合出这个core gene set. 首先要考虑样本的选择,样本里是否存在明显的分层? 2019年04月01日再读:精读: 已经发现我的data没法在PCA里有明显的规律:应该可以直接从bulk RNA-seq里获取有价值的信息,那么single cell到底有什么优势呢?回答:单细胞的数据是必须的,它可以把core genes锚定到case-control pseudotime,…
转自蜗窝科技: 说实话,这篇好难懂啊... 1. 前言 本文从regulator driver的角度,描述怎样基于regulator framework编写regulator驱动.同时,以此为契机,学习.理解regulator有关的物理特性,以便能够更好的使用它们. 2. regulator driver的实现步骤 2.1 确定系统中regulator有关的硬件组成  提起硬件,最…
转自蜗窝科技: 1. 前言 Regulator,中文名翻译为“稳定器”,在电子工程中,是voltage regulator(稳压器)或者current regulator(稳流器)的简称,指可以自动维持恒定电压(或电流)的装置. voltage regulator最早应用于功放电路中,主要用于滤除电源纹波(100或者120Hz)和噪声,以及避免“输出电压随负…
转自: 1: 校准器的基本概念 所谓校准器实际是在软件控制下把输入的电源调节精心输出. Regulator模块用于控制系统中某些设备的电压/电流供应.在嵌入式系统(尤其是手机)中,控制耗电量很重要,直接影响到电池的续航时间.所以,如果系统中某一个模块暂时不需要使用,就可以通过regulator关闭其电源供应:或者降低提供给该模块的电压.电流大小. Regulator的文档在KERNEL/Doc…
Cs5171: Tracking Boost Regulator Adding a current mirror circuit to a typical boost circuit allows the user to select the amount of boost voltage and ensure a constant difference between input and output voltage.   This is useful for high side drive…
前言 1.  什么是regulator?      regulator翻译为"调节器",分为voltage regulator(电压调节器)和current(电流调节器).一般电源管理芯片(Power Management IC)中会包含一个甚至多个regulator.   2.  regulator有什么作用?     通常的作用是给电子设备供电.大多数regulator可以启用(enable)和禁用(disable)其输出,同时也可以控制其输出电压(voltage)和电流(curr…
LDO Regulator High accuracy voltage regulator Vout = 2.5V * (1 + ( 5.6 / 6.8 ) ) = 4.55V Recently the author had to adapt  a standard circuit configuration  (which often uses an npn bipolar) so as to operate as a low-dropout (LDO) regulator. The circ…
LDO current regulator for power LED Challenge You've got a power LED? Great! Build a flash light! What does the spec say? "Voltage: 3.6 .. 3.8 V, power 3 W." Okay. This means that it draws some 800 mA. Three mignon cells give 4.5 V for at least…
High accuracy voltage regulator Good morning everybody, I want to make a accurate voltage regulator based on the Basic Stamp.Total range 0-10 V and a resolution of eg 5 mV. So this means 2000 steps.Maximum current around 250 mA. I tried to do somethi…
1. 概念:Regulator : 电源芯片, 比如电压转换芯片Consumer : 消费者,使用电源的部件, Regulator是给Consumer供电的machine : 单板,上面焊接有Regulator和ConsumerConstraints : 约束, 比如某个电源管理芯片输出的电压范围Supply : 提供电源的部件, Regulator就是一个Supply; Regulator A可以给Regulator B供电, 那么Regulator B的Supply就是A 2. 写驱动程序:…
Figure 1 shows a simple, stand-alone overvoltage detector. The intent of the circuit is to monitor a voltage, VMONITOR, and set the output, VOUT, high when the monitored voltage exceeds a preset threshold. The minimum allowable threshold for this cir…
The circuit in Figure 1 is a good choice if you need a power supply with high efficiency and you don't want to use expensive dc/dc-converter ICs. The heart of the circuit is IC1, the common, inexpensive LM7805 linear regulator. The external switch is…
Many applications require current sources rather than voltage sources. When you need a high-current source, using a linear regulator is inadvisable, because of the high power dissipation in the series resistor. To solve the wasted-power problem, you…
The SEPIC (single-ended, primary-inductance-converter) topology is generally a good choice for voltage regulators that must produce an on output voltage that falls in the middle of the input-voltage range, such as a 5V output from a 2.7 to 6V input,…
Targeting use in portable-system applications that require raising a battery's voltage to a higher level, IC boost regulators often include output transistors that can drive storage inductors. However, most boost regulators' absolute-maximum input-vo…
Synchronous buck regulators offer high efficiency and are popular in applications in which available input voltages are 12V or less. However, as input voltage approaches 100V, wide-range-regulator design becomes more difficult, and the choice of suit…
The circuit in Figure 1 delivers programming voltages to an EEPROM under the control of an external DAC (not shown). You can replace the DAC with a potentiometer to create a general-purpose power supply operating from 12V and able to deliver a variab…
The classic LM317 adjustable-output linear voltage regulator offers a relatively high, if package-dependent, current-handling capability. In addition, the LM317 features current limiting and thermal-overload protection. With the addition of a few com…
Buck regulators find wide application as step-down regulators for converting large positive input voltages into a smaller positive output voltages. Figure 1 shows a simplified buck regulator that operates in continuous-conduction mode—that is, the in…
You would normally use a series linear regulator or a dc/dc converter to obtain 3V dc from a higher supply. However, when breadboarding a concept, you may be able to use a shunt regulator, especially if a series regulator of the correct voltage is un…
This Design Idea stems from the limited availability of IC voltage regulators that can meet key USB-power specs, coupled with the need for turn-on sequencing and rise-time control at each output. As always, for PC-related designs, minimum cost is a p…
Voltage-regulator design for high output currents can be a critical and difficult task. Although voltage regulators with 1A maximum output current are simple to design, thanks to 78xx three-terminal voltage regulators, at output currents higher than…
Most engineers know that they can use an inexpensive, three-terminal adjustable regulator, such as Fairchild Semiconductor’s LM317, as an adjustable regulator to only some necessary value of voltage, such as 36 or 3V. This value cannot be less than 1…
A variable resistor that integrates a programmable, temperature-indexed look-up table can compensate for the temperature drift of a voltage regulator. In this case, the look-up table can change the resistance every 2°C over a range of –40 to +102°C,… Electronic Design Tamara Schmitz Thu, 2009-10-01 (All day) Digitally controlled potentiometers (DCPs) have become very popular in a wide v… There are many different ways to change the output voltage Applications that require the output voltage of a power supply to change dynamically come from a wide…
电源种类介绍 (百度百科)LDO是low dropout regulator,意为低压差线性稳压器,是相对于传统的线性稳压器来说的.传统的线性稳压器,如78xx系列的芯片都要求输入电压要比输出电压高出2v~3V以上.否则就不能正常工作.可是在一些情况下,这种条件显然是太苛刻了,如5v转3.3v,输入与输出的压差仅仅有1.7v.显然是不满足条件的.针对这种情况.才有了LDO类的电源转换芯片. Ldo适合电压要求比較稳,可是功率不是非常大的设备. BUCK电路.降压式变换电路. 就是一种DC-DC转…