第四部分 原文 DLLs, DAO, RDO, ADO, and AD.NET; the History of VB DBs In the early versions of VB, there were no database controls, and databases were accessed by vendor-specific DLLs, but VB's power and ease of creating forms still made it a favorite among…
Sagat by Tim “spacemonkey” Appleby 有言在先 首先,我要感谢才华横溢的Tim“spacemonkey Appleby允许本教程中使用他那个极其NB的Sagat模型.不得不说,这种带有浓烈艺术气息的东西,很容易使一篇普通的教程瞬间变得高大上.Tim的更多作品请见www.badpolygon.com. 我之前也写过一些关于Marmoset Toolbag中光照内容相关的文章,比如这篇基础光照模型(http://www.marmoset.co/toolbag/lear…