1.软件环境 svn客户端安装的是TortoiseSVN: vscode 安装的为SVN的插件: 2. 问题现象 vscode打开文件夹后右下角提示如下报错:SVN not found. Install it or configure it using the "svn.path" 3.同时输出窗口提信息:Svn installation not found. 4.错误原因: vscode找不到本地的svn.exe. 这个exe在默认安装TortoiseSVN时,默认是不勾选的,所以不…
vscode安装dlv插件报错:There is no tracking information for the current branch. https://blog.csdn.net/a785975139/article/details/80874792 vscode安装go语言的调试插件,按官方给出的方法很简单,在cmd下执行这个命令: go get -u github.com/derekparker/delve/cmd/dlv 无耐的是,我一直报如下错误: go get -v -u…
Mac电脑上使用VSCode安装jshint插件时提示如下错误: Failed to load jshint library. Please install jshint in your workspace folder using 'npm install jshint' or globally using 'npm install -g jshint' and then press Retry. 按照提示,使用npm安装jshint npm install -g jshint 然后点击重试,…