ros python】的更多相关文章

Problem: Ever since I have installed Conda, ROS does not seem to work. And predictably it is because Conda has changed my Python environment. I run ROS Indigo on Ubuntu 14.04. Can someone guide on how can I use both on my machine? I am willing to mak…
#!/usr/bin/env python import rospy import tf import time from tf.transformations import * from std_msgs.msg import String from geometry_msgs.msg import Pose from geometry_msgs.msg import Quaternion filenm="/opt/bp/tmp" tms= tp_x=0.0 tp_y=0.0 tp_…
#!/usr/bin/env python import rospy import math import sys import commands import yaml from tf import transformations from geometry_msgs.msg import PoseWithCovarianceStamped class PoseSetter(rospy.SubscribeListener): def __init__(self, pose): self.pos…
#!/usr/bin/env python import numpy as npfrom geometry_msgs.msg import Pose, Point, Quaternion, Twistfrom tf.transformations import quaternion_from_euler #orientation x,y,z,w#x=i[3]#y=i[4]#z=i[5]#w=i[6] g=np.array([i[3],i[4],i[5],i[6]]) #position x,y,… 原因是因为.py和包命名成了相同的名字,改一下其中一个的名字成不一样的即可(吐槽一下,官方教程居然说要命名成一样的,被坑惨了)… python的节点需要对节点设置权限为可执行,在.py文件所在的路径执行如下命令 $ touch #生成文件 $ chmod +x #设置可执行…
import sysimport math w = -0.99114048481x = -0.00530699081719y = 0.00178255140781z = -0.133612662554 r = math.atan2(2*(w*x+y*z),1-2*(x*x+y*y))p = math.asin(2*(w*y-z*z))y = math.atan2(2*(w*z+x*y),1-2*(z*z+y*y)) angleR = r*180/math.piangleP = p*180/mat…
1.打开配置文件 sudo nano /boot/config.txt 打开以下选项 "dtparam=i2c_arm=on" ctrl + o 保存 ctrl + x 退出 2.刷新配置文件 sudo raspi-config 3.打开 I2c选项 4.重启 5.再次运行 参考:…
Combine Subscriber and Publisher in Python, ROS This article will describe an example of Combining Subscriber and Publisher in Python in ROS programming. This is very useful in ROS development. We will also discuss briefly how to build and modify a c…
ROS学习手记 - 2.1: Create and Build ROS Package 生成包(Python) 时隔1年,再回来总结这个问题,因为它是ros+python开发中,太常用的一个操作,需要熟练掌握,快速参考. Rer Links: Create and Build ROS Package 生成包(C++)…