
题目链接: 某人有n个朋友,这n个朋友有钱数m和关系s两个属性.问如何选择朋友,使得这些朋友之间s最大差距小于d并且钱数是最多. 可以用滑动窗口,将m从小到大,s从大到小排列,这时在一个队列里维护队首和队尾,假如队首和队尾的s差距≥d时,就把队尾扔掉队首入队否则就仅队首入队.此时更新一下当前最大值. #include <cstdio> #include <iostream> #include…
Kefa wants to celebrate his first big salary by going to restaurant. However, he needs company. Kefa has n friends, each friend will agree to go to the restaurant if Kefa asks. Each friend is characterized by the amount of money he has and the friend…
CF580A 给出一个数列,求最长不下降子序列(连续) 直接DP,O(n) CF580B 主人公有n个朋友,每一个朋友有2个属性:m,sat 现在他想邀请部分朋友,邀请的人满足MAX_M-MIN_M<d的条件下,使得sat之和最大 排序,前缀和,枚举左端点,二分右端点 O(NlogN) #include<cstdio> #include<cstring> #include<algorithm> #include<iostream> #define ll…