题目:输入三个整数x,y,z,请把这三个数由小到大输出. public class _015ThreeNumberSort { public static void main(String[] args) { while (true) { threeNumberSort(); } } private static void threeNumberSort() { int x, y, z; Scanner in = new Scanner(System.in); System.out.printl…
What is a memory model, anyway? In multiprocessorsystems, processors generally have one or more layers of memory cache, whichimproves performance both by speeding access to data (because the data iscloser to the processor) and reducing traffic on the…
一.序言 陆陆续续的如果累计起来,我估计至少有二十来位左右的朋友加我QQ,向我咨询有关抠图方面的算法,可惜的是,我对这方面之前一直是没有研究过的.除了利用和Photoshop中的魔棒一样的技术或者Photoshop中的选区菜单中的色彩范围类似的算法(这两个我有何PS至少90%一致的代码)是实现简单的抠图外,现在一些state of art 方面的算法我都不了解.因此,也浪费了不少的将知识转换为资产的机会.年30那天,偶然的一个机会,有位朋友推荐我看了一篇关于抠图的文章,并有配套的实现代码,于…
A. Boxes and Balls 二分找到最大的不超过$n$的$\frac{x(x+1)}{2}$形式的数即可. #include <bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std ; typedef long long LL ; void solve () { LL n ; scanf ( "%lld" , &n ) ; LL l = 1 , r = 2e9 ; while ( l < r ) { LL m = l + r + 1…
Five kinds of callable objects: Functions Pointers to functions Objects of a class that overloads () Objects created by bind Objects created by lamdba expressions 1-2. Functions and Pointers to functions bool range5to10(int val) // <-- bool (*p_func)…
#include <iostream> using namespace std; #define SWAP(a,b) a^=b,b^=a,a^=b int main(void){ int x = 2,y=3; SWAP(x,y); cout << x << ',' << y << endl; return 0; }…