2020-02-11 12:01:21 问题描述: 问题求解: 本题的难度个人感觉还是蛮大的,主要是不容易想到O(n)的解. 对于 ...a, [b, ... , c], d, ...,如果我们将其中的[b, ... , c]进行翻转. 如果两线段有重复,必减小原先的值. 如果两线段无重复,必增加原先的值,且diff为2 * gap. 可通过如下的图进行分类讨论. 最后,再对边界做一个处理即可. int inf = (int)1e9; public int maxValueAfterRevers…
2020-02-03 20:43:46 问题描述: 问题求解: public boolean canTransform(String start, String end) { int n = start.length(); List<int[]> s = new ArrayList<>(); List<int[]> e = new ArrayList<>(); for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { char c = start.c…
1. Reverse Integer 题目链接 题目要求: Reverse digits of an integer. Example1: x = 123, return 321 Example2: x = -123, return -321 click to show spoilers. Have you thought about this? Here are some good questions to ask before coding. Bonus points for you if…
When I finished reading this problem,I thought I could solve it by scanning every single subarray in the array,and the time complexity is cubic.Every subarray could be the eventual one whose sum is the largest,so I did make a conclusion that the best…
leetcode - 53. Maximum Subarray - Easy descrition Find the contiguous subarray within an array (containing at least one number) which has the largest sum. For example, given the array [-2,1,-3,4,-1,2,1,-5,4], the contiguous subarray [4,-1,2,1] has th…
Find the contiguous subarray within an array (containing at least one number) which has the largest product. For example, given the array [2,3,-2,4],the contiguous subarray [2,3] has the largest product = 6. 思路:类似Maximum Subarray,不同的是 max(max_local*n…
Find the contiguous subarray within an array (containing at least one number) which has the largest sum. For example, given the array [−2,1,−3,4,−1,2,1,−5,4],the contiguous subarray [4,−1,2,1] has the largest sum = 6. More practice: If you have figur…
数据类型 变量.作用域及内存 基础类型(primitive value):Undefined.Null.Boolean.Number和String.这些类型在内存中分别占用固定大小的空间,他们的值保存在栈空间,我们通过按值来访问的. 引用类型值:Objec 如果赋值的是引用类型的值,则必须在堆内存中为这个值分配空间. 由于值大小不固定,因此不能把它们保存到栈内存中.但内存地址大小是固定的,因此可以将内存地址保存在栈内存中.当查询引用类型的变量,先从栈中读取内存地址,然后通过地址找到堆中的值,叫做…
414. Third Maximum Number 给一个非空的整数数组,找到这个数组中第三大的值,如果不存在,那么返回最大的值.要求时间复杂度为o(n) 例如: Example 1: Input: [3, 2, 1] Output: 1 Explanation: The third maximum is 1. Example 2: Input: [1, 2] Output: 2 Explanation: The third maximum does not exist, so the maxi…
https://leetcode.com/problems/maximum-subarray/ Find the contiguous subarray within an array (containing at least one number) which has the largest sum. For example, given the array [−2,1,−3,4,−1,2,1,−5,4],the contiguous subarray [4,−1,2,1] has the l…