题意:https://www.luogu.com.cn/problem/P1353 奶牛们打算通过锻炼来培养自己的运动细胞,作为其中的一员,贝茜选择的运动方式是每天进行 n 分钟的晨跑.在每分钟的开始,贝茜会选择下一分钟是用来跑步还是休息. 贝茜的体力限制了她跑步的距离.更具体地,如果贝茜选择在第 ii 分钟内跑步,她可以在这一分钟内跑 di 米,并且她的疲劳度会增加 1.不过,无论何时贝茜的疲劳度都不能超过 m. 如果贝茜选择休息,那么她的疲劳度就会每分钟减少 1,但她必须休息到疲劳度恢复到…
题目描述 The cows are trying to become better athletes, so Bessie is running on a track for exactly N (1 ≤ N ≤ 10,000) minutes. During each minute, she can choose to either run or rest for the whole minute. The ultimate distance Bessie runs, though, depe…
题目描述 The cows are trying to become better athletes, so Bessie is running on a track for exactly N (1 ≤ N ≤ 10,000) minutes. During each minute, she can choose to either run or rest for the whole minute. The ultimate distance Bessie runs, though, depe…
作者Alistair Cockburn, Crystal Clear的7个成功要素,写得挺好. 敏捷方法的关注点,大家可以参考,太激动所以转载了. 原文:http://www.informit.com/articles/article.aspx?p=345009 Property 1. Frequent Delivery The single most important property of any project, large or small, agile or not, is that…