Project not selected to build for this solution configuration.   When you upgrade your older solution files to latest version of visual studio 2010 or 2012 you may get compilation output as "Project not selected to build for this solution configurati… Solution configurations store solution-level properties. They direct the behavior of the Start (F5) key and Buildcommands. By default, these commands build and start the debug configuration. Both…
一般创建一个android项目后回出现两个gradle: build.gradle(Project):用来配置整个工程的 build.gradle(app):一个是用来配置app的 对compile和classpath区别的解释: I’m going to guess that you’re referencing compile and classpath within the dependencies {} block. If that is so, those are dependency…
Angular cli 运行 build后打开生成的index.html报错:In this configuration Angular requires Zone.js 生成代码如下: ng build --port 错误: Error: In this configuration Angular requires Zone.js 解决方法:(缺少zone.js包的引用,增加zone.js包的依赖就好了) npm install --save zone.js…
1>------ Rebuild All started: Project: ZERO_CHECK, Configuration: Debug x64 ------1> Checking Build System1> CMake does not need to re-run because E:/OpenSourceGraph/OSG_VS2013/OpenSceneGraph-3.4.0/build_vs201304/CMakeFiles/generate.stamp is up-t…
NAnt help: help: 下面有贴出代码,下载链接 .CS files:CSBat.batCSBuild.buil…
The standard windows keyboard shortcuts for expanding and collapsing treeviews are: Numeric Keypad *: Expands everything under the current selection Numeric Keypad +: Expands the current selection Numeric Keypad -: Collapses the current selection. RI…
1.メニューの [File] -> [Import Module]2.Source directory に先ほど解凍したディレクトリを指定3.「facebook」 を選択した状態に Finish すると以下のようなエラーが発生 Error:(9, 0) Could not find property 'ANDROID_BUILD_SDK_VERSION' on project ':facebook'. これは.facebook/build.gradle で以下が記述されているため project…
转自: 原始地址: This page has detailed information on building Chromium on Windows, including tips for troubleshooting and for s…
Project Management ProcessDescription .......................................................................................................................................................................................1STAGE/STEP/TASK SUMMARY LIST…
VS 的编译选项 build下的platform -- Any CPU和x86有什么影响? 现在的问题是,我的一个assembly用Any CPU编译就不能在64位系统下运行了,但是用x86编译就ok 原因是如果用Any CPU编译,那么在64位机器默认的运行就是64位的, 而我的assembly需要调用一个32的COM库,所以就运行不起来 只要用x86编译,那么程序就是以32位的程序,依靠wow64来运行的,所以就ok 所以,如果assembly需要使用win32库的话, 那么编译选项就不能使…
Introduction Microsoft Visual Studio 2012 provides a new set of tools for developing apps for Office and apps for SharePoint, as well as SharePoint farm and sandboxed solutions. By using these tools, developers can easily leverage the familiar Visual…
android编译app报错:Task '' not found in root project '***'.将build.gradle里的 if (gradle.gradleVersion >= "2.2") { dependencies { classpath '' }} else if (gradle.gradleVersion >= "2.1") { dependencie…
转自: 一.xcode4中的环境变量 $(BUILT_PRODUCTS_DIR) build成功后的,最终产品路径--可以在Build Settings参数的Per-configuration Build Products Path项里设置 $(TARGET_NAME) 目标工程名称 $(SRCROOT) 工程文件(比如Nuno.xcodeproj)的路径 $(CURRE… Did you know… That you can hide the solution and advanced build configurations Under Tools – Options – Projects and Solutions – General, there are options for both Always show solution a…
法一: 法二: We all throw dozens or hundreds of scripts into our Assets f…
Introduction to the Build Lifecycle Table Of Contents Build Lifecycle Basics Setting Up Your Project to Use the Build Lifecycle Packaging Plugins Lifecycle Reference Built-in Lifecycle Bindings Build Lifecycle Basics Maven 2.0 is based around the cen…
Creating a new Xamarin.Forms app can be an intimidating task, especially if you add in content pages one by one using the Visual Studio templates. You most likely already have a design in your head, or maybe drawn out on a whiteboard. Wouldn’t it be…
Configuring Your Xcode Project for Distribution You can edit your project settings anytime, but some settings are necessary during development. Others are recommended when you distribute your app for beta testing and required when you submit your app…
Build Builds a solution using a specified solution configuration file. Devenv SolutionName /build SolnConfigName [/project ProjName [/projectconfig ProjConfigName]] Rebuild…
Solution Architect How to become a solution architect - CareerExplorer What does a solution architect do? - CareerExplorer What is a Solution Architect? Do you love being in charge of things, and of finding answers and solutions to problems? Are you…
从 .NET Core SDK 1.0 Preview 3 build 004056 开始,.NET Core 弃用 project.json,回归 .csproj,主要原因是为了兼容 MSBuild ,详见 Announcing .NET Core Tools MSBuild “alpha” . 如果你安装了 .NET Command Line Tools (1.0.0-preview3-004056) ,运行 dotnet new 不会创建 project.json 文件,取而代之的是 .c…
* What went wrong:          A problem occurred configuring project ':TZYJ_Android'.> Could not resolve all dependencies for configuration ':TZYJ_Android:classpath'.   > Could not find     Searched in the followi…
计划不是用来看的,是用来执行的.PP讲述了如何做计划,PMC讲述的就是如何跟踪计划的执行并在实际情况偏离计划时采取纠正行动. 我们先看看SG1,SG1讲述的是如何根据计划来跟踪计划的执行问题. SG1: Actual performance and progress of the project are monitored against the project plan. 中文大意是:根据计划,跟踪项目的实际性能和过程. 那么我们要跟踪计划什么内容呢?简单的说,计划里面写了什么东西,就要跟踪什…
[CM source code folders] bootable/Among other things, the source for ClockworkMod recovery is in here. device/device/ contains part (if not all) of the board support package for a device, and is organized as device/<vendor>/<codename>. So the…
         Android开发中的问题总是多种多样,今天我来总结一个浪费了我一个晚上的错误T-T:your project contains error(s),please fix them before running your application. 总结一下网上的各种处理办法: 1.重启Eclipse(大部分网友都是这样就莫名其妙的好了...): 2.debug的keystore默认有效期为一年,如果你是从一年前开始开发 android程序,那么很可能出现debug keystor…
1,什么是antant是构建工具2,什么是构建概念到处可查到,形象来说,你要把代码从某个地方拿来,编译,再拷贝到某个地方去等等操作,当然不仅与此,但是主要用来干这个3,ant的好处跨平台   --因为ant是使用java实现的,所以它跨平台使用简单--与ant的兄弟make比起来语法清晰--同样是和make相比功能强大--ant能做的事情很多,可能你用了很久,你仍然不知道它能有多少功能.当你自己开发一些ant插件的时候,你会发现它更多的功能.4,ant的兄弟makeant做的很多事情,大部分是曾…
一,体验ant就像每个语言都有HelloWorld一样,一个最简单的应用能让人感受一下Ant1,首先你要知道你要干什么,我现在想做的事情是:编写一些程序编译它们把它打包成jar包把他们放在应该放置的地方运行它们这里为了简单起见只写一个程序,就是HelloWorld.java程序代码如下:package test.ant;public class HelloWorld{public static void main(String[] args){   System.out.println("Hel…