Name:Get Index From ListSource:Collections <test library>Arguments:[ list_ | value | start=0 | end=None ]Returns the index of the first occurrence of the `value` on the list. The search can be narrowed to the selected sublist by the `start` and `end…
Name:Set List ValueSource:Collections <test library>Arguments:[ list_ | index | value ]Sets the value of `list` specified by `index` to the given `value`. Index '0' means the first position, '1' the second and so on. Similarly, '-1' is the last posi…
Name:Remove From ListSource:Collections <test library>Arguments:[ list_ | index ]Removes and returns the value specified with an `index` from `list`. Index '0' means the first position, '1' the second and so on. Similarly, '-1' is the last position,…
Name:Insert Into ListSource:Collections <test library>Arguments:[ list_ | index | value ]Inserts `value` into `list` to the position specified with `index`. Index '0' adds the value into the first position, '1' to the second, and so on. Inserting fr…
Name:Get From ListSource:Collections <test library>Arguments:[ list_ | index ]Returns the value specified with an `index` from `list`. The given list is never altered by this keyword. Index '0' means the first position, '1' the second, and so on. Si…
Name:Get Slice From ListSource:Collections <test library>Arguments:[ list_ | start=0 | end=None ]Returns a slice of the given list between `start` and `end` indexes. The given list is never altered by this keyword. If both `start` and `end` are give…
Name:List Should Contain ValueSource:Collections <test library>Arguments:[ list_ | value | msg=None ]Fails if the `value` is not found from `list`. If `msg` is not given, the default error message "b | c does not contain the value 'x'" is…
Name:Sort ListSource:Collections <test library>Arguments:[ list_ ]Sorts the given list in place. The strings are sorted alphabetically and the numbers numerically. Note that the given list is changed and nothing is returned. Use `Copy List` first, i…
Name:Reverse ListSource:Collections <test library>Arguments:[ list_ ]Reverses the given list in place. Note that the given list is changed and nothing is returned. Use `Copy List` first, if you need to keep also the original order.…
Name:Remove Values From ListSource:Collections <test library>Arguments:[ list_ | *values ]Removes all occurences of given `values` from `list`. It is not an error is a value does not exist in the list at all.…
Name:Remove DuplicatesSource:Collections <test library>Arguments:[ list_ ]Returns a list without duplicates based on the given `list`. Creates and returns a new list that contains all items in the given list so that one item can appear only once. Or…
Name:Log DictionarySource:Collections <test library>Arguments:[ dictionary | level=INFO ]Logs the size and contents of the `dictionary` using given `level`. Valid levels are TRACE, DEBUG, INFO (default), and WARN. If you only want to log the size, u…
Name:List Should Not Contain DuplicatesSource:Collections <test library>Arguments:[ list_ | msg=None ]Fails if any element in the `list` is found from it more than once. The default error message lists all the elements that were found from the `list…
Name:Keep In DictionarySource:Collections <test library>Arguments:[ dictionary | *keys ]Keeps the given `keys` in the `dictionary` and removes all other. If the given `key` cannot be found from the `dictionary`, it is ignored.…
Name:Count Values In ListSource:Collections <test library>Arguments:[ list_ | value | start=0 | end=None ]Returns the number of occurrences of the given `value` in `list`. The search can be narrowed to the selected sublist by the `start` and `end` i…
Name: Copy DictionarySource:Collections <test library>Arguments:[ dictionary ]Returns a copy of the given dictionary. The given dictionary is never altered by this keyword.…
Name:Set To DictionarySource:Collections <test library>Arguments:[ dictionary | *key_value_pairs ]Adds the given `key_value_pairs` to the `dictionary`. 增加的键值对都是放在字典的最前面.…
Name:Remove From DictionarySource:Collections <test library>Arguments:[ dictionary | *keys ]Removes the given `keys` from the `dictionary`. If the given `key` cannot be found from the `dictionary`, it is ignored. 场景1: 场景2:…
Name:Get From DictionarySource:Collections <test library>Arguments:[ dictionary | key ]Returns a value from the given `dictionary` based on the given `key`. If the given `key` cannot be found from the `dictionary`, this keyword fails. The given dict…
Name:Get Dictionary ValuesSource:Collections <test library>Arguments:[ dictionary ]Returns values of the given dictionary. Values are returned sorted according to keys. The given dictionary is never altered by this keyword.…
Name:Get Dictionary KeysSource:Collections <test library>Arguments:[ dictionary ]Returns `keys` of the given `dictionary`. `Keys` are returned in sorted order. The given `dictionary` is never altered by this keyword.…
Name:Get Dictionary ItemsSource:Collections <test library>Arguments:[ dictionary ]Returns items of the given `dictionary`. Items are returned sorted by keys. The given `dictionary` is not altered by this keyword.…
Name:Dictionary Should Not Contain ValueSource:Collections <test library>Arguments:[ dictionary | value | msg=None ]Fails if `value` is found from `dictionary`. See `List Should Contain Value` for an explanation of `msg`. The given dictionary is nev…
Name:Dictionary Should Not Contain KeySource:Collections <test library>Arguments:[ dictionary | key | msg=None ]Fails if `key` is found from `dictionary`. See `List Should Contain Value` for an explanation of `msg`. The given dictionary is never alt…
Name:Dictionary Should Contain ValueSource:Collections <test library>Arguments:[ dictionary | value | msg=None ]Fails if `value` is not found from `dictionary`. See `List Should Contain Value` for an explanation of `msg`. The given dictionary is nev…
Name:Dictionary Should Contain Sub DictionarySource:Collections <test library>Arguments:[ dict1 | dict2 | msg=None | values=True ]Fails unless all items in `dict2` are found from `dict1`. See `Lists Should Be Equal` for an explanation of `msg`. The…
Name:Dictionary Should Contain KeySource:Collections <test library>Arguments:[ dictionary | key | msg=None ]Fails if `key` is not found from `dictionary`. See `List Should Contain Value` for an explanation of `msg`. The given dictionary is never alt…
Name:Dictionaries Should Be EqualSource:Collections <test library>Arguments:[ dict1 | dict2 | msg=None | values=True ]Fails if the given dictionaries are not equal. First the equality of dictionaries' keys is checked and after that all the key value…
Name:Convert To ListSource:Collections <test library>Arguments:[ item ]Converts the given `item` to a list. Mainly useful for converting tuples and other iterable to lists. Use `Create List` from the BuiltIn library for constructing new lists.…
Name:Create DictionarySource:Collections <test library>Arguments:[ *key_value_pairs ]…