- all features were running on sitecollection level and at site level But here is the solution, i do not why it worked but it did work. Although you can activate and deactivate Office SharePoint Server Enterprise Site Collection features , Office Sha…
<重构>中此方法叫做塑造模板函数,在设计模式中,对应的模式就是模板模式.重构中的很多变动比较大的方法都会导致重构,但重构中有非常多的小重构手法.就好像建筑一个房子,设计模式教你厨房客厅怎么搭配以设计出一个什么样的风格,而重构中给出了更多的建议,细小的细节,哪些地方应该怎么处理,会导致程序易读.易维护.易扩展.塑造模板函数是一个非常重要的重构手法,熟练运用此手法能直接将过程化的代码“变得”那么面向对象. 重构前的主体代码: package io.nelson; import java.util.…
After some analysis, we found that, this is a known defect with the Microsoft and it is being fixed on the subsequent Knowledge Bases. http://support.microsoft.com/en-us/kb/2880473 But even, then there are many information revolving around this error…
在psd中启动infopath更新表单模版 注:虽然可能在infopath design中预览的时候会报错说是跨域数据不能加载,别理他 继续发布上站点就不会有这个错误了. 绑定list后效果: 参考url: Binding SharePoint List Data to an InfoPath Form Template http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6NySzgGhnaw…
1. 激活可浏览的表单模板 Set-SPInfoPathFormsService -AllowUserFormBrowserEnabling $true -AllowUserFormBrowserRendering $true 2. 设置数据连接超时 Set-SPInfoPathFormsService –DefaultDataConnectionTimeout 15 –MaxDataConnectionTimeout 25 3. 设置数据连接响应大小 Set-SPInfoPathFormsSe…
This article will simply descript how to configure and publish a InfoPath step by step. Note: To configure and publish InfoPath to SharePoint 2013 ,required the follow items: (1).SharePoint Enterprise 2013. (2).Microsoft InfoPath Designer 2013. (3).A…
Tech Stuff - Mobile Browser ID (User-Agent) Strings The non-mobile stuff is here (hint: you get jerked back by the power cord after 3 feet and your arms start to ache after 10 minutes with non-mobile stuff) or click on any right menu link for the bro…
<g_vml_:shape style="POSITION: absolute; WIDTH: 568px; HEIGHT: 1312px; TOP: 0px; LEFT: 0px" coordsize = "5670,13130" filled = "t" fillcolor = "white" stroked = "f" path = " m0,50 l0,13040 at0,13040…
今天是五.四青年节,祝大家节日快乐.看着今天这标题就有食欲,夏天到了,醋溜土豆丝和清炒苦瓜适合夏天吃,好吃不上火.这两道菜大部分人都应该吃过,特别是醋溜土豆丝,作为“鲁菜”的代表作之一更是为大众所熟知,醋溜土豆丝,好吃不上火.清炒苦瓜这道菜好啊,更是夏天必备之良菜,其功效在此就不做过多赘述了.言归正传,上篇博客我们从“小弟”中学习了“外观模式”,我们也把“外观模式”戏称为“小弟模式”.今天我们要从醋溜土豆丝和清炒苦瓜的制作过程中来学习一下我们今天博客的主题“模板方法模式”(Template Me…
最近发现一个列表数据过大,每次发布infopath表单提示如下错误: 后来发现一个infopath表单通过list.asmx and Formsservice.asmx来进行发布的. This error message generally occurs while publishing the InfoPath form to the SharePoint server. When there are more data connections and lot of customization…