Sublime Text 3 Plugin Better!】的更多相关文章

Package Control Cmake ConvertUTF Markdown preview MarkdownEditing Marking Changed Rows…
For Package Control installation, see the Installation Guide.   To install Emmet(ex Zen Coding), do the following: 1. Press Ctrl+Shift+P to Open Command Palette; 2. Input "install" to open "Install Package"; 3. Input "Emmet"…
Today, I switched my sublime text to version 3. And then I found that  the emmet plugin doesn't work when I press the tab key,  but it works by press "ctrl + e". So I went to github to see the readme file of the emmet-sublime plugin, and finally… ctags插件for sublime text项目和ctags源码项目都在github上.…
虽然PostCSS才是未来,但是Sass成熟稳定,拥有一大波忠实的使用者,及开源项目,且最近Bootstrap 4 alpha也从Less转到Sass了.所以了解Sass还是非常有必要的. 基于快速开发及效率,我开发环节习惯通过编辑器插件来完成Less/Sass编译,这样可以快速定位.修复Bug. 下面介绍一款Sublime Text的插件SASS build system for Sublime Text 2可以在编辑器完成Sass编译.名字是2但Sublime Text 3可用无压力. 安装…
CodeAtlas is a plugin of SublimeText, which allows one to explore the call graph conveniently. The plugin uses the code analysis tool Understand ( to perform symbol/reference query task. Following (but not limited) languagues are…
1.输入"!"或"html:5",然后按Tab键: html:5 或!:用于HTML5文档类型 html:xt:用于XHTML过渡文档类型 html:4s:用于HTML4严格文档类型 2.轻松添加类.id.文本和属性 p#foo 补充 补充类h1{foo} 和 a[href=#] 为h1和a标签 3.嵌套 >:子元素符号,表示嵌套的元素 +:同级标签符号 ^:可以使该符号前的标签提升一行 效果如下图所示: 嵌套写法 4.分组 (.foo>h…
Package Control Messages Emmet emmet插件 Thank you for installing Emmet -- a toolkit that can greatly improve your workflow. Note that this plugin automatically downloads and installs PyV8 binary (see status bar message). 欢迎安装Emmet插件,它能极大的改善你的工作流.注意这个插…
Sublime Text 3安装与使用   本文是Sublime Text 全程指引 by Lucida (的笔记,并添加了自己整理的一些内容,感谢原作者. 1. 下载 可以从官网 下载. 2. Windows下安装与使用 2.1 安装 1. Win7 64位系统,可以下载 Windows 64 bit来安装…
今天在github上乱逛,无意间找到victorporof分享的htmlpretty插件,特做推荐: 先看看他是怎么描述htmlpretty的: This is a Sublime Text 2 and 3 plugin allowing you to format your HTML, CSS, JavaScript and JSON code. It uses a set of nice beautifier scripts made by Einar Lielmanis. The form…