这里,我只是以一个例子,说一下简单权限控制,通过这个例子,大家可以设计庞大的权限管理层,把权限控制封装到数据库访问层,这样程序员就不用再写权限判断的代码了 首先,先看看我数据库DBContext的定义 using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Web; namespace WebApplication1 { public class SysDB:Test.DB.TestDB {…
苹果提交审核被打回来 附加的说明如下: We noticed that your app requests the user’s consent to access their camera but does not clarify the use of this feature in the permission modal alert. Next Steps To resolve this issue, please revise the permission modal alert to…
当我升级到Xcode8后,启动我的相机项目,直接crash,输出的日志如下: '2016-07-08 16:41:11.268943 project-name[362:56625] [MC] System group Container for systemgroup.com.apple.configurationprofiles path is /private/var/containers/Shared/SystemGroup/systemgroup.com.apple.configurat…
主要实现自动处理视频点击判断权限. function lookVideo() { var review_con = document.getElementById("review").getElementsByClassName("review_con"); for (var i = 0; i < review_con.length; i++) { (function (i) { var li_as = review_con[i].getElementsByT…